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RE: Wild mushrooms grow on green grass

in Fungi Lovers4 years ago (edited)

Teuku, thanx for sharing those nice photos.
Is this mushroom comes from Aceh?

Sadly, you've got a wrong iD for it (well, your App got it wrong, I am sure).

Marasmius oreades, or 'Meadow honey agaric', is a very common mushroom here, growing from late spring to mid-autumn. Its characteristic features:
It has a very specific spicy smell in its raw form, and after cooking it has a very good mushroom aroma and an even better sweetish-flexible taste, thanks to which it can be deservedly attributed to a delicious mushroom! Fruiting bodies appear in large colonies, "witch circles". The edge of the cap is uneven, ribbed. The cap's color is usually yellowish brown, not white (darker in the center and lighter towards the edges). The older the mushroom, the more it fades.

The grills are very rare and quite of sufficient high size. At a young age of mushroom, they are white, then over time become creamy.

The stem. The pulp in the stem is tough and fibrous.

This is how it looks like.


Ergo: the mushroom you took photots of, is something different. Maybe other experts will tell what it is.