Fungi Friday - June / July mushrooms. no iD. macros #304

in Fungi Lovers5 years ago



Hola, setero! Today I am sharing my mushroom impressions from the first month of my countryside holidays, i.e. what I found in June, and wasnt able to identify. Mushrooms were not on their peak of bio-divercity but I stumbled upon a lot of different species around to shoot.

Location: north-west of Russia, area just 80km south to St.Petersburg city.
Time: June-July 2020.
Where: lawns, garden pods, and mixed forests.


Those were really tiny fellas, just 3-4mm in diameter. (I left the dandelion seed within the frame to give the real scale). Any ideas from experts on ID? I suspect they are easy to identify, with the help of the guides, due to their unique outlook? Here is a cropped close-up:


This stuff appeared on the strawberry pods. Lookes like a frost! or snowballs.. but probably it is a mushroom.



This grew up on a small aspen deadwood log. Looked beautiful, with his stem dressed in this black-and-white sock. Was rather solid stuff, not like the crusted polypore, but not like a jelly, as well.


Anther instance of the same specie (more aged and more crusty).




Deadwood polypore mushroom (very thin and crusty).


Probably same specie, just starting to grow.


Its aged version, probably from last-year.


Very sympatico quadruplet that grew on a log in the gutter (notable for the same shrooms appeared twice (!) on the same deadwood, during one season. No idea what it is, but very picturesque and photo-friendly... and most probably, unedible!


I have suspicions I know this one: maybe an aged form of Rússula foétens (in Russian it is named Валу́й, or Valuii). This was growing at the mossy swamp.


How one is supposed to identify them? they all look the same for me, and I cant inspect their spores thru the microscope... not an option to me.


Probably its the same instance (as they were growing at same spot, and there were a lot of shrooms like this), just aged and parched... and look how different it is, to the 'normal' form, described in the guides..


This one resembles the mushroom named in the Russian guides as 'Poplavok'. Hmm... not sure. And of course I didnt pick it up - jst put into my no-iD folder. The golden rule of Setero: if you are not 100% sure about the mushroom, dont try to try it! Better keep distance. And, of course, share its picture with us on Fridays. Now, its time to part ways, I wish you good luck -- and Good Hunting.

oh, and Happy Fungi Friday to you!
#FungiFriday fun challenge is hold by @EwkaW

I hope many of you will join, as there are only 2 simple rules:

  • when Friday comes, share your fungi with us! post your own, original photo/drawing/art/food/anything-at-all of any type of fungi (yes, stolen images will be checked and reported !)
  • add #fungifriday (not necessarily must be your 1st tag). that's all!
 5 years ago  

That frost fungi is amazing.

Great selection!!! It must be so nice to be out in the woods taking photos..

yes! just not in June, when you barely can focus for 1-2 takes before become eaten by Mosquitos :P

 5 years ago  

There are really a lot of them ... I saw a lot of them and again a new one was found to surprise me. 🤭Lots of beautiful and various mushrooms ..@qwerry

well, those grouped in this post, are bizarre and weird ones :P

was happy to entertain you, Suzana.
did you already found P-stuff this week?

 5 years ago  

Yes, they are really weird 🤭Good evening @qwerry

Thanks I really enjoyed it...🤗

Yes, I posted yesterday .. I believe you will find it interesting ..
You? Found?