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RE: Psilocybe Caerulescens US Strain from South Carolina

in Fungi Lovers5 years ago

Thank you everyone.

I use Straw pellets (35%) mixed with Straw bits (cutted) (35%) with Green Compost 20% and Horse Manure in Pellet form.

All is soaked over 2-3 days and then drained and by hand brought to "field capacity".
Then packed in Mycobags and sterilised for 3hrs in a pressure cooker.

Then inoculated with rye grain spawn. (which was incoculated with Rye grain - Malt Extract Agar)

From Spores to fruits it takes like 9-12 weeks- you can force it to grow faster by increasing the temps. However the longer the mycelium staays in the bag going through the substrate the better the first flush. Which is usually the most "intense" (by fruitbody count).