Very rare species of mushrooms - Hypocreopsis lichenoides (Rozetka wierzbowa)


The willow rosette forms on the trunks and branches of willow mainly very characteristic orange-brown sometimes greenish, radial-finger-like patchesRozetka wierzbowa tworzy na pniach i gałęziach głównie wierzby bardzo charakterystyczne pomarańczowo-brązowe czasami zielonkawe promienisto-palczaste placki



The fungus likes the presence of another fungus, namely the yellow-edged bristle Hymenochaete tabacina, which is also found on willowGrzyb lubi obecność innego grzyba, a mianowicie szczeciniaka żółtobrzegiego Hymenochaete tabacina, który również występuje na wierzbie


Willow rosette is a very rare species of fungus. In Poland, its positions are only in Pomerania. There are about 20 of them. It belongs to the species of large-oval fungi.Rozetka wierzbowa to bardzo rzadki gatunek grzyba. W Polsce jej stanowiska znajdują się tylko na Pomorzu. Jest ich około 20. Należy do gatunku grzybów wielkoowocikowych.








Kinda looks like a Pumpkin ngl xD

Mushrooms are beautiful and they look very unique.,

thanks for your information.

You're welcome!

So interesting. Looks scary and amazing at the same time, worthy of great awe!

 4 years ago  

That is one of the weirdest forms of fungi I've ever seen.

very rare, in Poland only about 20 sites in the north

a great edition - such artificial and awesome colours! I like it.

This reflects nature and how plants selects environment, however, this is a species of mushroom I have never seeing before, it is really amazing

As a botany student, I have picked some knowledge from your list, thanks for sharing

Excellent details

Very nice pictures, I was struck by the fact that these types of mushrooms form in very cold climates?

ps. your luck with this post is so huge! I guess its might be a right time to delegate to FungiLovers some power, huh?

this post got a lot, only OCDB gave Downvote 40% 🤔 Incomprehensible to me

yes, it's a shame. if i was you I would cry and bite my elbows. but for me the situation is clear, as for a curator. there is nothing personal against you here, this interaction with Trafalgar is an attempt to fix / adjust his curation efforts on blockchain in a more cultural, useful framework, -- more small upvotes, instead of 10 one hundred percent blindly upvotes... you dont see everything behind the curtain, the indirect things.. theres a lot bad un-obvious consequences for the blockchain from this pattern. ehehe.

Got it, but I have no influence on how Trafalgar, Hajejin or Ranchorelaxo vote

ofc. nobody of us has... thats the reason behind OCD downvotes - it is a measure to influence and suggest for a talk.

Very cool! Those are awesome shots!!

Wygląda jak zmutowana stopa ;) Niezłe znalezisko :)