So here they are, the interesting fungi photos promised a few days ago. |
Hier sind sie also, die vor ein paar Tagen versprochenen interessanten Pilzfotos. |
Fungi & Moss / Pilze & Moos

My today's post is dedicated to the Fungi Lovers and the #FungiFriday Fun Challenge by @EwkaW. | Meinen heutigen Beitrag widme ich den Fungi Lovers und der #FungiFriday Fun Challenge von @EwkaW. |

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Canon EOS R | SIGMA 105mm 1:2,8 DG MACRO HSM
35 single images stacked with Photoshop
You don't really notice such mushrooms when walking through the forest. At least you don't usually see all these details in passing or especially this strange looking little mushroom on the trunk besides the moss - I only saw it at home on the computer monitor. | Solche Pilze beachtet man eigentlich gar nicht, wenn man so durch den Wald spaziert. Zumindest sieht man normalerweise im Vorübergehen nicht diese ganzen Einzelheiten oder speziell auch diesen komisch aussehenden kleinen Pilz oben am Stamm beim Moos - den habe ich auch erst zu Hause am Computermonitor gesehen. |

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Somehow, the mushroom that grows at the end of the broken branch was very interesting to me - I have never seen a mushroom growing like this one, and it was my actual photo motif. | Irgendwie war aber auch der Pilz, der unten am Ende des abgebrochenen Astes wächst, sehr interessant für mich - habe ich so auch noch nie gesehen, und der war auch mein eigentliches Fotomotiv gewesen. |

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Canon EOS R | SIGMA 105mm 1:2,8 DG MACRO HSM
34 single images stacked with Photoshop
In the photos above you can also see some moss, but that doesn't justify the title "Fungi & Moss". Therefore, of course, there is also a macro photo of a tiny piece of moss that has grown on the same dead tree trunk. This old rotten trunk was actually a very productive photo opportunity, I would say. | Auf den beiden Fotos ist zwar auch etwas Moos zu sehen, das rechtfertigt aber nicht den Titel "Pilze & Moos". Deshalb gibt es natürlich auch noch ein Makrofoto eines klitzekleinen Stückchens Moos, das auf dem selben abgestorbenen Baumstamm gewachsen ist. Dieser alte morsche Stamm war eigentlich ein sehr ergiebiges Fotomotiv, würde ich sagen. |

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Canon EOS R | SIGMA 105mm 1:2,8 DG MACRO HSM
23 single images stacked with Photoshop
I am always happy if the focus stacking with Photoshop works with such images without much post-processing. But that doesn't mean that Photoshop is to blame, but rather me with my focussing skills. I hope that Canon will enable automatic focus stacking with a future firmware update for the EOS R, just like Olympus has such a function. @brianhphotos reminded me a few days ago of the photo stacking software Zerene Stacker, which I had already tested last year, but dear Brian, the result with the single photos used here did not improve with Zerene either. I still have to practice a lot to get even near the quality of your macro photos: | Ich bin immer wieder froh, wenn das Focus Stacking mit Photoshop bei solchen Bildern funktioniert, ohne dass viel Nachbearbeitung notwendig ist. Das soll aber nicht heißen, dass Photoshop schuld ist, sondern eher ich mit meinen Fukussierkünsten. Ich hoffe, dass Canon mit einem Firmwareupdate für die EOS R das automatische Fokusstacking ermöglicht, so wie Olympus eine solche Funktion hat. @brianhphotos hat mich wieder an die Fotostacking Software Zerene Stacker erinnert, die ich schon einmal letztes Jahr getestet hatte, aber lieber Brian, das Ergebnis bei den hier verwendeten Einzelfotos ist auch mit Zerene nicht besser geworden. Ich muss noch sehr viel üben, um auch nur einigermaßen an die Qualität deiner Makrofotos heranzukommen: |
Location / Standort: My location at the reservoir |
All photos were shot with the Canon EOS R and the SIGMA 105mm 1:2,8 DG MACRO HSM, SIGMA 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM C lens. I leave all EXIF and IPTC information stored in the pictures. |
If you like my photos I would appreciate an upvote, nice comment or maybe you want to share my post on your blog 😊 ... and maybe you would like to follow me, so that you never miss a post from me.
Thank you for visiting my blog,
have a nice evening,
Photos and Text: Johann Piber | All rights reserved - do not use without my permission
#originalcontent #originalworks

[//]:# (!pinmapple 46.555333 lat 14.436220 long 20200403-Drau-Reservoir-Annabruecke d3scr)
delicious pics!!
the cover one is totally unknown to me. looks like a bizarre gingerbread house not like a mushroom at all!
happy Fungi Friday!
lets celebrate the back of another plague day
thank you so much. I think the longer this crisis lasts the more I will get into macro photography ;)
When I opened this image at home I have seen that weird mushroom - no idea what this is, but it looks interesting. Maybe I can find it again when I am in this forest. I could make some more photos of it then.Good morning @qwerrie,
Yes, one more day is behind us and I wonder how many more will come. So, have a wonderful weekend and take care my friend.
Wer ist investinthefutur ?
Who is investinthefutur ?@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> @johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !---->
The second one makes me think of the rings of Saturn. ; )
True, if you look at it with that in mind it looks quite similar to the rings ;)
Thank you so much Ross, stay safe and healthy.
You too :)
Wer ist investinthefutur ?
Who is investinthefutur ?@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> @johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !---->
If you go fast and look far, then yes ... all this little beauty will remain unnoticed. Congratulations on a successful hunt :-)
That's right, I look different when I have my macro lens on the camera, but for these small things I would also need my glasses which I don't need for walking. And so I am sometimes positively surprised ;)
Thank you very much @bambuka 🙂
Yes, now I also don’t see small details in the forest without glasses :-)
We are all getting older - that's life, but I hate to wear glasses ;)
Have a wonderful weekend @bambuka.
On the street, I hardly wear glasses. But if I need to find something for a photo, I have to apply them))
Have a nice weekend!
🤓 have a great weekend, but take care and stay healthy.
I seem to have missed this reply, sorry, but the Engage app I use for replying behaves strange at the moment 🤪
I need glasses only for reading, adjusting some camera settings and looking at smaller things like small mushrooms ;)
Some blockchain functions sometimes have very strange behavior. I'm already used to it. It so happens that other authors are indicated in the answer section of the answers
In normal situations, I do without glasses. For example, driving a car. But if you need to read something or find something small at a distance ... I usually have two points with me :D
Wer ist investinthefutur ?
Who is investinthefutur ?@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> @johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !---->
My Pleasure!
Fantastic fungi shots, I have never seen one like that on the end of the branch that is so cool
By now you must be into your next long weekend at home
No, I also haven't seen such a fungi before, thank you very much JJ 🙂
My weekend begins on Sunday - I am working tomorrow, but then I'm off work until after Easter 🙂
Ohh well A delayed weekend but then a long one, take care my friend
Yes, this gonna be a very long weekend - I hope is does not get too boring, but if the weather is ok I will go out. At least at the reservoir I can be sure to be alone ;)
Have a wonderful weekend too, take care and stay healthy my friend.
Thanks Mate, going semi nuts staying indoors all the time but its worth it
Cheers and have a great weekend
Good morning JJ, I think I have missed this reply - Engage is behaving strange for me and still shows answered comments.
Anyway, I have just come home from work and wish you a great Sunday. If the weather is fine for you then you should go for a little walk before you get completely nuts from staying inside, but take care and keep away from other people. I have seen the numbers of infections in the states and I didn't like these numbers.
My wife sews masks and she is getting better and better in it ;) But these masks and the masks you get for free at the supermarkets and other shops are only to protect the others from your breathe and they don't protect you.
Morning my friend m=the first thing I do each morning when I get up is check the weather and Pollen count, and today it is high, so no outdoor walks today, but that's good I do what I can when I can and will get through this :)
They are saying in our area of the country we should hit peak in the next week or so, I hope so but time will tell
The CDC here have recommended that everyone wear masks when outdoors, but our President has decided to leave it as a recommendation and nothing more, and stated he would not do it himself, I think the more wearing masks the better as it would reduce the spread
If we had a sewing machine I would be making masks, or trying to at least LOL
Congratulations, your post has been added to Pinmapple! 🎉🥳🍍
Did you know every user has their own profile map?
And so does every post as well!
Want to have your post on the map too?
Interesting Shots, Johann. Fungi is nice to see on the tree or ground, as you walk through the forest.
The fungi on the end of the branch looks similar to ones here called Turkey Tail as it resembles the markings on the tail.
Thank you so much for your nice comment Jo 🙂
Yes, I alsothink it is some kind of such a tree mushroom, but is looks weird somehow and it is moldy. I think if I can find it again I'll take some more detailed shots.
Have a wonderful weekend and take care.
Thanks Johann and you too!🙂
Very funny looking shapes! Some looks very cute!
Happy quarantine!
Have a good day!
I wish you a great weekend too 🙂Thank you so much that you like the mushrooms, dear @kaminchan 😁
Thank you! Have a nice day!
Thank you very much for featuring my post and for the upvote, @photofeed, I really appreciate it 😁
Amazing mushroom! I have never seen a mushroom that grows at the end of the broken branch like this one, too. The moss looks nice with the bright green color. Great capture! ;)
Take care, stay safe and healthy.
My pleasure! ;)
Stay safe and have a nice day! ;)