djuramrdja cross-posted this post in Fungi Lovers 2 years ago

Dani na Vršačkim planinama - Days in the Vršac mountains

in BANAT2 years ago


Prošla nedelje proveo sam pet dana na Vršačkim planinama u Širokom bilu u neposrednoj blizini planinarskog doma. Bio sam sa mojim najstarijim drugom devedesetpetogodišnjim Bracom Sučevićem. Bracina supruga Anđelka otišla je sa Gradskim horom AS na Ohrid u Makedoniju na Horske svečanosti, a ja sam ostao da se družim sa Bracom. Braca Sučević je biolog po obrazovanju i veliki poznavalac Vršačkih planina. Naš kratki odmor je pokvarila kiša i hladno vreme koje ipak nije previše uticalo na nas. Na njihovom posedu je veliko dvorište i šuma koju je podigao Braca.

Last week I spent five days in the Vršac mountains in Široki bil, in the immediate vicinity of the mountain lodge. I was with my second oldest, ninety-five-year-old Brac Sučević. Brac's wife Anđelka went with the AS City Choir to Ohrid in Macedonia for the choir festivities, and I stayed to hang out with Brac. Braca Sučević is a biologist by training and a great connoisseur of the Vršac Mountains. Our short vacation was spoiled by rain and cold weather, which did not affect us too much. On their property is a large yard and a forest built by Braca.



Ovo je prva priča koju vam predstavljam i govori o pečurkama. Krajem leta posle kiša na ovom lepom mestu gde se nalazi vikendica Brace i Anđelke Sučević pojave se gljive ili pečurke. Ima ona narodna „ Ništa ne rađa kao pečurke posle kiše“!

This is the first story I present to you and it is about mushrooms. At the end of summer, after the rains, mushrooms appear in this beautiful place where the cottage of Brace and Anđelka Sučević is located. There is that folk saying "Nothing grows like mushrooms after the rain"!



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Tako je ovih dana bilo u Širokom bilu, puno dvorište pečuraka. Ovde rastu: lisičarke, vrganji, popovače, šumsko pile…ali i zavodnice, to su pečurke ili gljive otrovne, koje rastu odmah pored jestivih. Zato mora da ste oprezni, naročito ako nemate previše iskustva u branju, uvek pođite sa nekim iskusnim, neko ko ih dobro poznaje. Može da se pripomognete literaturom i slikama, ali ipak najsigurnije je da ne ekspermentišete jer trovanje pečurkama može da izazove smrt ili razna druga oštećenja, invaliditet , oštećenje bubrega…zato budite oprezni.

That's how it was these days in Široki bil, a full yard of mushrooms. Here grow: chanterelles, porcini mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, woodpeckers...but also champignon mushrooms, which are poisonous mushrooms that grow right next to the edible ones. That's why you have to be careful, especially if you don't have much experience in picking, always go with someone experienced, someone who knows them well. You can use literature and pictures, but it is safest not to experiment because mushroom poisoning can cause death or various other damages, disability, kidney damage... so be careful.

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Ja sam u ovu avanturu pošao sa Bracom koji je iskusni biolog i dobro poznaje gljive. Život ne može da stane!

I went on this adventure with Brac, who is an experienced biologist and knows mushrooms well. Life cannot stop!



Život ne može da stane!

Life cannot stop!