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RE: Slime Mushroom?

in Fungi Lovers5 years ago (edited)

Yes, I've got these in my yard for the first time.

I call it "cheese bread", because it looks like porous bread crusted in melted cheese. It grows on top of the soil. In my yard it only grows on top of decomposing wood chips.

After a few days, or a week, the top crust dries out in the sun. Inside a bunch of brown chalky spores plume out in the wind. The spores are hydrophobic. When I spray a mature one with water, the "cheese" melts and crumbles away, but the spores inside become a dark cloud of messy smoke.

One way to get rid of it I have found is to shovel it up when it's fresh, and toss it into the compost. It doesn't have deep roots.