in Fungi Lovers3 years ago

Today, while walking across the meadows and groves just outside my hometown ...


... in the hope to find something interesting for the Fungi Friday ...


... I came across the trunk of some relatively small tree lying by the path that leads across the sparsely wooded area near the sea.


In some places on that piece of rotting wood, the bark looked like an easily detachable envelope. When I removed a piece of bark ...


... an interesting, fungi-infested habitat was revealed.


I don't know the name of this green mold.


The mold was intensely green for the most part, but some patches and borders were pale, some even white.


In places, the wood was covered with a completely white fungal growth ...


... that from a certain angle, and through the macro lens, looked like a snowy landscape. I found different kinds of white fungal growth. This one is smooth as ice cream.


This one has a different structure.


The long filaments are clearly visible. It looks a bit like cotton candy.


Some fluffy white structures ...


... looked pretty cute when seen through a macro lens.


There was a slug among that fungal fluff.


Soon it started to move ...


... and I followed ...


... with my camera ...


... that epic, slow journey ...


... across the mysterious fungal fields.


These look like some jelly fungi ...


... but only from one side.


They are hairy on the other side and that furry surface doesn't resemble the jelly at all.


I found the Segestria senoculata spider, hidden among those half-jelly fruiting bodies.


There is an abundance of spider silk ...


... all over this mysterious world under the bark.


Following these elegant veils ...


... I found another ...


... considerably bigger spider.

I don't know the name of this species.


There was a woodlouse nearby.


I mean, the empty exoskeleton of a woodlouse.


While photographing this well-camouflaged arachnid ...


... I didn't notice the presence of another spider of the same kind. Only later at home, when I enlarged the pictures on the PC screen, I saw it in a couple of shots.


I didn't expect to find so many cool things under the bark.


Here you can see a minuscule millipede coming out of the layer of soft, rotten wood that looks a lot like soil.


Here the focus is back on the fungi.


Back on the green mold.


This Pisaura mirabilis spider ...


... was resting on the bar. I took a couple of photographs ...


... and then the spider crawled to the place where the bark was recently removed. It looked better on that surface.


Here you can see more silk. Or fungal filaments. Sometimes It's hard to tell.


I had a great time exploring this creepy stuff hidden under the bark. It felt a bit like a Halloween adventure. Hope you'll enjoy it too.


As always in these posts on HIVE, the photographs are my work - THE END.


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I love the fact that it felt like a Halloween adventure because I actually had those exact thought in my head. Actually to me, I think that's the fungi process to getting a full grown mushroom. That slug was kinda adding spice to your images. Hehe. It sure looks good in the image but I tell you in real life, if I see a slug, I'd find my level because they look like straight snakes and their slippery skin makes them even more gross! Great photos.

What part is spider fuzz and what part is mushroom fuzz? Good camouflage for the spiders to catch mycelium eaters.

Thanks for sharing this. You actually make me reflected like in a dejavu state of my childhood where we go hunting in the woods, sighting this wonderful creations especially the slugs and the spread of fungi on the trees. I really love this. Thumbup

That spider photo is so cool 🤩👏👍

An interesting documentary post ;))

We were transported to another world, one as near to us as a old fallen tree, but one which we would never know existed but for your pulling back the bark and documenting your journey!

:) It's great to explore these hidden places now that the days are colder and there aren't so many small arthropods out in the open.

Now I will at least consider these fungi on a scale) Thanks for the wonderful macro photos!

Another cool photos to feed the eyes.

Thanks :)

wooooooow, amazing, I'm happy to see your post this time, but I'm curious about the spider, if I find it I will make the picture perfect, hehehe, thanks for sharing

That green and white fungi material looks just like some living creature from some SF movie. Wonderful outdoor photos taken, @borjan.

Yes :) fungi often have that SF look.

Dead wood sticks become our target to look for various types of mushrooms

Lovely stuff mate :)

wow very beautiful mushrooms, even though we often see these mushrooms, but what makes this mushroom more interesting is because in terms of taking the right picture

This time I got to see some more beautiful and weird mushrooms and thank you so much for showing us some cool and amazing pictures of these mushrooms...

Thank you :) glad you like this minuscule fungi stuff under the bark.