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RE: March FORTH into kindness on March 4th!

in kindnesslast year

It is heart relieving when one sees another promoting a similar value. For the fact of dedicating this month for Acts of kindness, I applaud the community . It is no doubt that the world today is lagging behind in this regard. Most people pursue just their interest and never interested in others. Giving someone a space in a traffic is something difficult for many. I am glad to start my adventure in this community.



Congratulations 🥳🥳

@jesus-son you are the lucky winner of 100 Dreem Tokens for participating in Dreemport’s Bounty.


I am glad for this
Thanks so much

Please what do I do with the token

Hi @jesus-son

The tokens are similar to the other Hive-Engine tokens. You may hodl them or sell them.

The tokens have a utility for Dreemport treasure hunt too. If you are eligible for the hunt, you may use these tokens to buy digs for it.

Ok, thank you

If there is any more guidance you need, you may ask me here or on discord