Today I Called a Helpline

in kindness5 months ago

You Are Never Alone

I am writing this today to let you know that you are never alone, even when you feel you are. Sometimes, we need someone to talk to, but what do you do if you have nobody you can call or nobody is available? I found myself in that situation earlier today, and I wanted to share my experience in hopes that it might help someone else.

I have been stable for years until an overzealous pharmacist decided she thought I was taking too much of a particular medication and called the pharmacy review board. Nothing illegal or immoral was going on, and I had been taking my medication as prescribed for many years.

Her phone call led to my doctor changing the dosage (lower), and my several years of being stable changed. I know that part of my current state is probably due to these medication changes brought on by something outside of my control.

Zoom Bomb

Earlier today, I attended an online webinar and witnessed my first-ever Zoom bombing incident. I am still deeply shaken, and this was several hours ago. The graphic nature of the images shown, along with the flashing screen and audio, is still deeply seared in my memory. Try as I might, I cannot shake it, unsee it, or not allow it to bother me.

I am really shaken up today; it has been a really challenging day, and I have never felt this alone for several years. For the first time in several years, I felt more alone than ever and without anyone to call and talk to.

I know there are probably people I could have reached out to or people who are there. I know we are good at telling ourselves there is nobody, and often when we need help the most, it is harder to reach out or call someone. I am always there for others; I've always been that way and have always wanted to help people. Sometimes, we need to help ourselves, but we struggle to do so.

I have no family here in the U.S., apart from two grown children who are not in my life right now. I sincerely pray that will not always be the case. In my home country, I have siblings and a daughter, but I am not really comfortable reaching out to them, or if I did, I would downplay what was going on. It is possibly more a reflection on me than them, though. Or maybe not; the point is that today, I found myself in a bad situation and did not know what to do.

24-Hour Crisis Helpline

I called a helpline today; it was a 24-hour crisis helpline. I did not know what else to do. The mental health agency I am connected with has its own number. I have not had to use it before, but my doctor has always told me that if I ever needed just to talk, I could call there. I told them I was not going to harm myself but thought I needed to talk to someone—anyone.

I have a lot of mixed emotions now after calling them. Is this a sign of weakness and backsliding? Is this a testament to who I am as a person and the fact that I am so alone that I do not have anybody I can even call to talk to when I am really struggling, other than a helpline? What does that say about me as a person?

I decided to write this because I wanted you to know that you are never alone, even when you feel you are. Even if you need to lean on a helpline, please, for God's sake, do that.

Online Support Community

I am working on creating an online support community that will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If there is someone else in the space, you can talk. It is not ready yet, but I think I should try to expedite it. Even if it’s just a single space to start with, I will work on trying to make a space available as soon as I can.

I have a lot of anxiety about doing this, but if I am struggling, then there are probably other people struggling. This is bigger than I am; I think I feel called to make something available soon. I will try to do that. The only thing stopping me is me. But in the meantime, if you are struggling, please reach out to someone—anyone. I am sharing a couple of resources that I hope you will use if you find yourself needing help.

I am making myself vulnerable by posting this, but if it helps just one person, that is all I can pray for. Hugs.

Asking for Help Is Brave

Asking for help is brave and can bring healing and support when times are tough. Remember, you are not alone, and there are free resources to help you.

Helplines give you quick emotional support from trained professionals who get what you’re feeling. These services are private and easy to access, providing a safe place to talk about your feelings.

You can choose to talk on the phone or chat online, depending on what makes you comfortable. Don't wait to reach out; taking that first step can really help.

Find a Helpline - Global Support at Your Fingertips 24/7

Find a Helpline is a good resource for immediate support through helplines and hotlines worldwide. It connects you to over 1,300 helplines in more than 130 countries, offering free and confidential emotional support. Various services are available, including suicide prevention, domestic violence assistance, and mental health resources for issues like anxiety and depression.

Helplines are available based on your specific needs through an intelligent ranking algorithm, ensuring people receive relevant and timely support. Available 24/7 - Reach out for help whenever you need to; judgment-free environment for open conversation!

988 Lifeline

The 988 Lifeline is free and confidential. It’s available 24/7, primarily as a resource for people in the United States. It is part of the national mental health hotline system established to provide support for those experiencing emotional distress or crises. It is a valuable resource for anyone in need of emotional support or facing a mental health challenge.

Help is available by phone, text, or chat, where trained counselors provide compassionate support and guidance.

Images created with Midjourney (I have a commercial license) and reprinted with permission by 988 Crisis Helpline.

#kindness #anxiety #depression #help #suicide #crisis #mentalhealth #cwh


I'm so sorry you're struggling, and GRR at them for arbitrarily changing your medications and throwing you for a loop! They should not do that to people! 😡

I'm glad you called the help line. I've done it before too. Hugs. 💙


Thank you my friend. It is difficult to openly talk about things sometimes, but that needs to change. I really appreciate your comment. The medication change couldn't be helped, but things like that do cause real world struggles. I really hope just one person will feel safe asking for help and may read this and be brave enough to call for help. I am available and want to try and get my support group idea live. I am the only person holding that up.

All my love, @gregscloud! I believe this is the bravest and most important post you’ve written to date on Hive.

What we endured today on that call, shook me, as well, but my meds had not been upheaved. I stood a chance. I had much less of a jolt than you, but FFS!!

Some will have it in their heart to understand the severity of such a trigger, whereas others may have the hubris to spin it as some sort of blessing.

Allow me to call “horse shit” on that!

Let there be no misunderstanding, what happens in an online room is just as much the host’s responsibility as if it happens in one’s own home.

Checking to see if your guests are alright is imperative, even if awkward. It is the kind thing to do.

Those of us who stand as survivors of seriously F-upped mental health emergencies are not the problem, nor are we weak. On the contrary, we “cowgirl”or “cowboy up,” for the sake of each other.

We check on one another. We care. We make amends for mistakes made that put our friends in harms way.

You’re a bad-ass mother-f%er, @gregscloud. I’m proud that you took advantage of your @in case of emergency” resources. I’m grateful you took care of yourself and by writing this post you’ve modeled good mental health to others.

This is leadership at its best.

Much love! 😘

Thank you @alessandrawhite I am glad we checked up on eachother. I don't think I would have made it to the other side of the day if not for knowing I was not alone in what I was feeling. I have seen a lot of things in my life that nobody ever should, but today shook me to the core more than I have ever been shook before. I think it has lit a spark in me. I want to do whatever I can to let people know they are never alone. I know how soul destroying and humiliating it can be to feel like we have nobody.

I will do whatever I can to spread kindness again, I will try to dust myself off and be stronger. I think todays vulgar and disgusting shock hit at my core, I suddenly was in a place I thought I would never be again, it was not a happy place, it would have surely done lasting damage had I not had you, @bitterirony and @shadowspub to lean on a little, but I went through the worst of it feeling I had nobody.

I know that is not true, it is the brain saying we have nobody, sometimes we don't, or it's too painful, or people are not available, sometimes we are alone, and being alone for even a few seconds could mean the difference between life and death for somebody.

Make no mistakes about that, I know you care deeply about people as I do, and that this really is something that needs to be brought into the light.

Sometimes people struggle, trauma, life, baggage, any number of things can deeply affect someone, these things may have laid dormant for years, but one day something may trigger something. It doesn't matter what that trigger is. An image, a sound, a scent or cologne, a place, anything can trigger someone who has experienced trauma and has PTSD.

I am telling whoever might be reading this, please do not ever feel alone. I am here as much as I can be, I have social media and email. Know that there are helplines available. There is NO SHAME in needing help, NO SHAME needing to talk to someone.
YOU MATTER and the world needs you, whoever you are, even if it doesn't feel like it right now.

Please never be ashamed of needing help. You know reaching out to someone is one of the bravest things you can ever do, AND, if someone ever reaches out to you, it is one of the most privileged positions you could be in. That person is trusting herself to you, will you be there for someone, even if you think you can, please share the 988 number, or the global link with them, if that is the most that you can manage, you may save a life.

God bless everyone, and I apologize for the rambling comment. This stuff is important, thousands die every year because they feel alone. We all need to realize mental health is NOT a weakness. Today has been one for the books. God Bless you if you are reading this. YOU MATER!

You made the right move Greg ... I know it's easy to say you have friends you can reach out to but sometimes a friend might be having a difficult moment or maybe they are distracted and don't pick up on the need when you need it most. Calling the hotline connected you with someone who was tuned to your need and got you through the immediate need. Well done.

Thank You Shadows, I think we need to normalize and destigmatize mental health, we have come a long, long way, but are not there yet. I appreciate your friendship.

Thank you for sharing such a personal and brave post. It takes real strength to open up about struggles with mental health, and your honesty will undoubtedly resonate with others who may be feeling the same way. It’s a reminder that we all need support, and it’s okay to reach out when things get tough. I admire your courage and the care you have for others. Please know that you’re not alone, and there are people who care about you. Sending you strength and support. (Oh....and you are far more understanding than I would be with the pharmacist.......picture an atomic mushroom! LOL)

Yes, it was a little frustrating about the pharmacist, but I could not change the outcome, just how I reacted. Have a great weekend my friend.

Thank You for writing this post!!!!

Is this a testament to who I am as a person and the fact that I am so alone that I do not have anybody I can even call to talk to when I am really struggling, other than a helpline? What does that say about me as a person?

This post shows your normal.
This post shows that we can not always pick the right time when we know we need to talk to someone. Our minds are tricky that way.
It also shows how very smart you are to pick up the phone and talk to someone, even if you do not know them personally and talk!

So I hate to break it to you...... Smart and Normal is what you are.


Thank you so much for your kind comment, it actually made me smile!

You are very welcome!
You just made my day!

You have to be brave and strong to write this. Showing your vulnerable side and being able to ask for help is difficult, I know it because I've been there. Anxiety and depression are invisible but it is rare who does not go through them at some point in their life, even if it is mildly. Your post will help others, I'm sure. It has already done it with me, because I have saved one of those resources in case one day I need them. Thank you for your generosity. A hug.

Thank you for your kind comment and encouragement. I am glad you found it helpful. Yes it was incredibly hard posting this into the world for all to see, but as you said, if it helps just one person right. I hope you have a good week ahead, and if you ever need an ear, I'll do my best to be one. Hugs

That is such a brave but sad story and sorry you had to go through all that ❤️ you are a strong soul.
And I don't understand why they do that, if you are stable and your mefication is working..
Then that should be enogh to let it be.. Idiots, and I hope your doctor change it back.

Much love to You 🤗🩷🌷

Many thanks for your support, it wasn't the Dr. Fault, she was more or less told she had to change it, but people who don't have a medical degree really shouldn't be questioning those who d.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks CommunityYou have been curated by @wesphilbin on behalf of , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening

I live that life.
56 years of no one willing to hear the things I want to say.
I wouldn't know what to say to you if you called.

I am so sorry to hear that, I am 57 and can relate. If you ever need to chat, please let me know and I can figure a way to send you my email or phone that isn't wide open. I am working on making a place available online for people to talk, get support, give support etc. It will be free. I am here if you need someone. Where are you located? I am in Ohio, USA

Oh I think not sure how to say what I think. haha. I have no need to chat about me. I understand the psychology of my mind. The things I need to talk about are things most cannot see. I understand that too, Cause I think in the future most of the time. I philosophise about the future from theorisation of the present. I am the enemy I need to fight at times. But I always win tomorrow if I lose today.

I only came to your post because of Snook. Most of Snook re-blogs I do not glance at. Well none actually. So that brings me the question that cannot be answered. YTF did I come here.

In my mind I know there is one, Just not why (Yet). If I go by my ego. Then I have an answer you want or need. Right now I am hoping that it is not your Goal said in your reply. Trust me I know people need coffee shops for more than smoking their crop.

The "It will be free" part I do find a smile on. I think if you charge, that is a different kind of service. haha.

Anyways. I feel I do need to mention that. Not everyone is able to listen. I have met many people that say they will listen. Ending up doing the talking. Even in professional circles.

If you are talking to @snook, my name is Jan. I have other names for Florida and Arkansas Sez in FL and Brayden or Ias in the other. My family know me as Tom. Dub Ireland here. You are ahead of me by a year. Lastly, I never seem to be who I appear to be.

The message above. That's me. Huckleberrie is not looked at as often as thehive and other accounts.

cwh community. I live in the states, but am from England, having moved here 27 years ago. Miss home, mostly food!I am still learning who folks are, I came to Hive via my friend @alessandrawhite and am involved with the

Oh they would not like me, lol
There is nothing wrong with that, It's perfect in its way.

It sounds like you know yourself quite well. As for me, sometimes I do, and other times not so much. I have no explanation for why you found my post; perhaps it was pure chance or some other forces at work—who can really say? But I'm glad you did. You seem very interesting. The hangout place I created is ready, but I need to take a leap of faith and make it live. It will always be free; I never want it to be anything else. When money or prestige come into play, I feel it won’t work out.

I don’t really like the cliché "two ears and one mouth," but sometimes, if the cap fits, perhaps it applies. It's certainly not always easy to listen, but I'm trying hard to be a better listener and to listen without judgment. I've had professionals and still do. Once, a therapist fell asleep during a session, and I stopped going.

Anyway, I intended to do less talking, lol. But seriously, I want to make the online meeting place available soon, as soon as I can get out of my own way and just launch it. I need to decide on the best way to protect it from being crashed—maybe a password that I only share with some or a sign-up process. I'm not sure what the best approach is yet. I sometimes get on Discord in the writing community. If you want to share any thoughts or ideas on how I might be able to roll out some spaces or just any thoughts or ideas, I am all ears (well, two ears)! LOL. Be safe out there, my friend. Oh, I also have the Kindness Community I was building, but ended up taking a few month away from Hive.

Great post! Thank you for being vulnerable to help others. That is the way. ❤️

Thank you Devin for your friendship and kindness.

I am so sorry the pharmacist messed up the medication that caused you to have the crisis; I hope that your right medication has been rectified to prevent this from happening again.

You made a brave choice by calling the helpline and even braver by sharing this very important message with us in the hopes that it will help someone.

Asking for help shouldn't be seen as a weakness; it takes someone brave to seek help when they need to.

Thank you my friend. The pharmacist probably thought she was doing the right thing, I have to believe no ill intent was in her heart, but things can roll downhill. It was difficult sharing, but I really hope it helps somebody. Hope you have a good remainder of the weekend.

Yeah, mistake so happen sometimes, I'm really glad you were able to talk to someone.

Thank you so much for sharing this with us, once again.

My apologies, ecency said this was not posted, leading to my posting another 2 of this (now deleted) This original post did send!