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RE: Loo Etiquette

in The LooLoo2 years ago

History is intersting, and often surprising! I always thought the restroom was the area with the seating, not the actual loo cubicles.

No chatting or hiving in the bathroom for me, the wifi for some reason doesn't work there, and I'm one of the 10 people on this planet who doesn't have a phone. I don't need one. I sometimes bring the iPad and read a few pages of an already downloaded book though. But never in the bath! Old paperbacks that I don't mind if they get wet is the only bath reading.

!GIF bath book


LOL @treefrognada, they were very polite back in the day :)

No phone, how do you manage? I do think it must be very freeing though, as our phones tend to rule our lives, and waste so much time as well!

But never in the bath!

A definite no-no, heaven forbids if that falls into the bath!
Thank you for daring to pop into the ladies loo :)

I think my confusion mostly comes from when I was a child, and there was a big waiting room at the train station, for ladies and kids only, with benches for perhaps 50 people. In a corner was a door to the loos. My grandma always insisted we go there and rest, and visit the loo, while waiting for the train, so the seating area was the restroom in my mind.

No phone is easy! If I really have to make a phonecall, I borrow the hubby's phone. I think last time was in 2020 when I made an appointment with the optician! The only thing I miss about it is not being able to take pictures quickly when I'm out somewhere, but I'm thinking of getting a cheap digital camera instead. Or perhaps a phone without a sim card, which would annoy certain people very much 😹

You really are the cellphone rebel aren't you😉
We would call areas like that the waiting room. I believe the term restrooms aren't used for loos these days, but who knows?
Have a wonderful day @treefrognada!