Loo Etiquette

in The LooLoo2 years ago (edited)
Prudish Victorian Era

During the Victorian era, ladies were...ladies; well, not all! However, we'll focus on the prudish Victorian woman who would talk of going to the restroom, not the toilet or loo, as those were words not to be uttered by any noblewoman.

A typical public restroom back then would look like the one below which is in a gracious old farmhouse that houses a tea garden and a museum depicting life during the late 19th century.
This restroom has a small library inside, with comfy chairs where one can wait for the loo WC to become available.
The conversation would be in hushed tones as this was not a social gathering after all, although I'm sure a little gossiping did take place in even more hushed tones!

Eau de cologne would be splashed on, and just a touch of rouge or face powder applied. The lipstick had not been invented yet nor was face paint used by any decent woman; that was solely for ladies of the night!


Roaring 20s

Loo etiquette evolved over the years, and when the roaring twenties came along with its frivolities, restrooms became less subdued, and I imagine, more of a social gathering with much giggling and talk about the scandalous behaviour of their peers.
Lipsticks and brighter rouges would be touched-up and those hair waves crimped in place.


Modern Era - Long Queues

Then along came the cinemas, musical extravaganzas, and with it the queues, not just at the ticket booths but also outside the door with the sign 'Ladies.'

Those signs have become more and more creative over time, and queues extended to shopping malls, airports, in fact, any place where there's a gathering of people with intermissions, arrivals, or departures.

Loo airport.png


I'm not sure if it was the same where you live, but here in our country this meeting of women, all in need of the same thing, turned into friendly chattering and smiles to and fro unless the need was so great that even a smile becomes difficult!
Sometimes there would be anxious moments if the queue was too long, and there would be a quick dash and almost bowling the first woman exiting the loo over, just in case the taps opened up before reaching the welcome sight of that seat, aka the throne!

IMG_20190530_123430-COLLAGE (1).jpg

Covid - No Queues

Then along came Covid with its masks, exactly a century after the roaring twenties.

No chatting with strangers, keeping safe distances as one may just be infected by that nasty little virus that slyly keeps on evolving and replicating, using us humans as its host!
Queues at the loos became a thing of the past when severe lockdowns were implemented and loos became deserted, sad, and forlorn places.

Post-Lockdown - Short queues

Once lockdowns ended, people initially were afraid of going to shopping malls, let alone cinemas, and the smell of popcorn all but disappeared.
Airports that once hustled and bustled with passengers, now only have a handful of airlines still in operation; a stark reminder of how Covid literally brought the world to a standstill!

Loos now are places you enter and exit with ease, like this one at the Cresta Shopping Centre where I encountered the entire Ladies' Loo empty so was able to take photos without getting funny looks from ladies! The loo doors had some really quaint fashion statements.




Interesting how the lighting at this door totally changes the image shade


The home Loo

The home loo is the one place where no one can disturb you, so questions like...

where did I leave my keys?

...gives me great pleasure to shout out...

I'm in the loo, you'll have to wait!

And so I sit, and sit, in what some are calling modern telephone booths, and catch up with endless WhatsApp messages, or chat with my Hive friends; I see raised eyebrows at this point, but hey, time is precious!

So my question today is, who will admit that they commit this grave sin?

Heart page break.png

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When I first saw this, I thought "A post about loos?" Now I see there's a whole community for posts about loos! I enjoyed this post, am reminded of a ladies room from my childhood at the Elk's Club, which always felt so extravagant to me. It was much like your first one.

I will admit to no such thing.

I will admit to no such thing.

I don't think many will...but I've already confessed so can't retract that now :):) Guilty as charged.
I did a take-two when I first saw the community, but it really is fun writing about something like Loos! It's just not easy taking pics when the loo is filled with women, but nowadays there are more chances as I find our malls are not as busy as they used to be before Covid came along.
Hope you're able to sneak a pic or two and share a little Loo story here :)

I use the word "loo" all the time, but most young Canadians don't know what that means. I love that word.

I do wish the Victorian style loo was a thing. Now people actually complain if they go to a restaurant that has signs saying ladies and gentlemen. The former restaurant actually got bad reviews because of that. Oh the world haha.

The world is getting crazier by the day, and one is afraid to say something that may be seen as politically incorrect, I just roll my eyes, those types are just full of hangups I think!
Hope you're having a great weekend Carolyn :)

When you gotta sit, chat or ponder life the loo is one many find solace.

Lovely throw back to the old drawing in the new with sayings used, most probably old as well !LOLZ

Loo is not somewhere I hide out, always leave the door open and warn everyone to keep well away, being slightly claustrophobic closed rooms don't do it for me.

What do you get if you cross a bullet and a tree with no leaves?
A cartridge in a bare tree.

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HAHAHA Joan!!! Naughty gal, thanks for that, I really needed a chuckle today :):)
Is this cooling rain not wonderful!

We have to laugh especially at ourselves, it's therapeutic, not so?

Rain was brilliant, no air-con needed yesterday, that was yesterday, now we have a promise of cooler weather again on Sunday, let us hope so.

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Thank you, dear Mr. @pinmapple :)

History is intersting, and often surprising! I always thought the restroom was the area with the seating, not the actual loo cubicles.

No chatting or hiving in the bathroom for me, the wifi for some reason doesn't work there, and I'm one of the 10 people on this planet who doesn't have a phone. I don't need one. I sometimes bring the iPad and read a few pages of an already downloaded book though. But never in the bath! Old paperbacks that I don't mind if they get wet is the only bath reading.

!GIF bath book

LOL @treefrognada, they were very polite back in the day :)

No phone, how do you manage? I do think it must be very freeing though, as our phones tend to rule our lives, and waste so much time as well!

But never in the bath!

A definite no-no, heaven forbids if that falls into the bath!
Thank you for daring to pop into the ladies loo :)

I think my confusion mostly comes from when I was a child, and there was a big waiting room at the train station, for ladies and kids only, with benches for perhaps 50 people. In a corner was a door to the loos. My grandma always insisted we go there and rest, and visit the loo, while waiting for the train, so the seating area was the restroom in my mind.

No phone is easy! If I really have to make a phonecall, I borrow the hubby's phone. I think last time was in 2020 when I made an appointment with the optician! The only thing I miss about it is not being able to take pictures quickly when I'm out somewhere, but I'm thinking of getting a cheap digital camera instead. Or perhaps a phone without a sim card, which would annoy certain people very much 😹

You really are the cellphone rebel aren't you😉
We would call areas like that the waiting room. I believe the term restrooms aren't used for loos these days, but who knows?
Have a wonderful day @treefrognada!

Such an interesting history of the loos and how it's role in society and with its users has evolved, Lizzie

Luckily my loo time is exactly what its meant to be, but I do know some of my girlfriends use that precious time as their haven or even extend the time inside to get away from their kids!!

Loos certainly have evolved over the ages, our ancestors did not have it so easy!
LOL, maybe I'm hiding from the world when I sit on that throne at times :)

Those are some fancy loos there !

I may read an article, but no communicating electronically with others from the throne....LOL .....

It was a real mod loo!
I think it's a very bad habit I've developed, but one thing I won't do while sitting on the throne is to answer a call, especially a video call😅

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