A selection of random loo photos

in The LooLoolast year (edited)

It's been a long time since I posted in my own Loo Loo Community, sorry for neglecting you. You're not totally forgotten as I have been collecting interesting loo photos whenever I see them. For those who don't know what a loo is, this place exist every where, even at your home. Let's go and have a look...

This is it, the lovely toilets. The black bar in the middle is the partition dividing the two cubicles. I like the symmetry of this image, it's a pity the bin on the left hand side spoilt it.

I can't remember where I took this image but it's a while ago from back in 2021. It must have been quite a large place, maybe a shopping mall, because there are a lot of hand washing basins here. It's very thoughtful that they added lower basin at the end for children or wheel chair users, and it adds to the aesthetic of the entire basin giving it a lovely outline.

I've seen this propelair in quite a few places and I have to say I am not a fan of them. They work like toilets on planes and trains where they suck the waste down and makes a very loud noise when it does it. I remember when I first came across them it really startled me when I flushed it. This one has a clear toilet lid, not sure why they do this as it's not exactly very appealing to look at your own waste after you're done.

I remember this toilet, it was also from a while ago. This is a public toilet in a very quaint town in UK. For a toilet, the building is quite pretty from the outside, probably keeping with the appearance of the overall town. It is always very nice when they make the effort to have plants and flowers outside. Sadly the inside was bog standard. Nothing to shout about. It was nice and clean, and that's important.


Toilets can be a fun place for girls gossip on a night out, but it's also a very good place to pass on discreet messages. In London there is an Ask for Angela scheme rolled out in many bars and restaurants and public places. It is to help people who feel vulnerable when they go out, but don't want to kick up a big fuss. If you feel unsafe you can go to a member of the staff and ask for Angela, that is a code phrase to tell them you need help. The staff would have been trained on the scheme and they will help you out in a discreet way. I don't know if this scheme is rolled out in other cities, they should be.

Even before Covid, I have always had issues with exiting toilets. Not everyone cleans their hands properly 😣 and some places don't have adequate facilities for people to dry their wet hands. I always grab a bit of toilet paper to open the door handles when I leave, and trust me that's not OCD!! In recent years, I noticed some places have installed these foot holders at the bottom of the toilet doors, so that proves it's not only me who has these concerns!! I think this is a brilliant idea. Of course, contactless door openers are even better, you just wave your hand over the sensor and the doors open automatically. Best invention ever!!


livinguktaiwan divider.png

If you have any interesting or fun toilet stories, please feel free to share them here in the Loo Loo Community!!


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I never realised toilets could be so interesting.. 😁

Yup, and all these, bar the very last photo is from UK as well!!!

Surprised how clean they are...

Fancy Loo Photos...

appealing to look at your own waste after you're done

Hah, they shouldn't be transparent.. public toilet that clean? That's kind of a biggest fear to visit a public toilet in here 🤣.

Toilets can be a fun place for girls gossip on a night out

Or also for boys to think about their career or other worries. feels like Einstein!🤣

that is a code phrase to tell them you need help.

Wow! Heard about this for first time...

There can be lots of interesting things around you if you look hard enough!

So many things to explore in toilet 😁

That's true

Those are some interesting bathrooms. They look a lot cleaner than many of the ones over here. You would probably be appalled! It can get pretty gross. Most of them don't have working doors or locks on the stalls either. It's nasty.

Trust me, I've come across some disgusting ones as well! But I tend to run away as quick as possible from them. Not going to hang around to take photos 😖

Sometimes you can't! When you gotta go you gotta go!

That's true, desparate times calls for desperate measures. One time a friend said he was desparate for the loo and it was really disgusting, he lit up two cigarettes before he went in!!

Haha, that is smart!

Wow. I've never been so fascinated by toilets in my life. But I've always had an interest in bathrooms. I usually looked forward to seeing how each bathroom design looked like in each mall.
They all look so clean and wonderful to look at. !luv it.

Do you mean bathroom in shopping malls? Normally bathrooms includes toilets, so if you see any nice or interesting ones, feel free to share here!!


When we first got there, each time I'd ask the host or whoever where the bathroom is, I'd get the same look like they thought I was asking to shower.

W/C, that's another one. Not sure how many train rides it took before we figured out what the hell a W/C is. = }


Bathroom is like a posh version of toilet, I may have picked it up when I was working in Asia as they're American influenced, and use it occasionally, but mainly in Asia.

W/c is another odd one, never knew what that stands for

posh version of toilet

Where might I find that definition? = }

The black bar in the middle is the partition dividing the two cubicles. I like the symmetry of this image, it's a pity the bin on the left hand side spoilt it.

Hahaha... Next time you move it to the right side.

I didn't know that toilets were called Loos in the UK, nor that there was a community to talk about them. I always learn something new.

Thank you.

wait, wait, wait 😂

I always grab a bit of toilet paper to open the door handles when I leave, and trust me that's not OCD!!

PS. I thought I had it. And by the way, asking for Angela if you feel in an insecure situation is a very good idea.

You never know what you may come across on Hive, isn't it great!!! Are they any interesting loos in Cuba? 😄

True enough. I'm always finding new and interesting things on Hive.

Loos? yeah, I guess so. Hahaha... I haven't been going out much lately but I've seen some interesting ones in bars and restaurants. Now I'm laughing, I was thinking about going to a bathroom to make a post for Hive. The main purpose of going to meet a Loo has taken a back seat.

I shall look forward to that post 😔

This community seems flush with possibilities. 😄

I have only been inspired to take loo photos twice in my life. And both times were before mobile phones, so my pics are printed and in an old album somewhere.

One time was at the Hotel Sofitel in Melbourne, Australia.


The other was at the Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo, California.



This community seems flush with possibilities

Nice one @dfinney !!!

Ha ha! Two very different loos there, the second one is really something, I'm glad us ladies have a bit more luxury and privacy.

These are all way nicer than the Wetherspoons I went to that had a poo in a cardboard box in the middle of the floor.
Meanwhile in the same venue the female toilets had a sofa and plant wall for selfies.

ewwww.... that's gross 😖

you never know, maybe beyond the sofa and plant wall it was just as bad in the ladies! You'd be surprised how messy the ladies can get as well, but poo in the middle of the floor is just not on!!!

Omg, I didn't even know there was a Loo community on Hive! Some pretty nice looking loos you have in the UK.

I like the Ask for Angela initiative, wonder how often that is used and if the gents have it as well...

It's good when people take care to make a toilet presentable and nice as it's a very important and intimate place

It is to help people who feel vulnerable when they go out, but don't want to kick up a big fuss.

Oh wow I like this! I literally just read about this now, thank you so much for sharing this😃

I think all places should have a similar initiative, but if course training the staff vat the establishment is most important vso they know what to do

I totally agree with you.


Where do bad rainbows go?
Prism, it's a light sentence.

Credit: reddit
@livinguktaiwan, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @gameexp


Those foot holders are brilliant indeed. I have developed the same habit like you (grab a piece of toilet paper or paper towel to open the door on my way out) but unfortunately, it has kind of spilled into this weird quirk and I do this with other doors (except those in our own apartment) too. But I´m pretty sure my OCD is to be blamed for that...

Have you heard of door opener keyrings? It's like a little hook. During covid I read that in some countries that weren't in total lockdown, some companies were giving them out to staff when they still had to go to work. That seemed like a good idea as well, but I'm not sure how effective it is in opening heavy doors coz they are quite small

No, I haven´t heard of them. But I´m good using my own "techniques". I actually have more of them. But it´s weird so I don´t feel really comfortable talking about it :D And it´s not just about touching door handles actually. But I know that a vast majority of people don´t do these things and yet, they are ok, safe and healthy so all these "problems" are probably just in my mind...

It's a pity the bin on the left hand side spoilt it

That bin is real big but it looks nice though, didn't spoil that picture totally, Besides it can be a cation that toilets should have bins.

That's a very thoughtful and unique idea of adding lower basin at the end. I don't remember seeing something like this before.

Actually I didn't know the proper meaning of Loo before but now I'm sure of it, thanks to google translator. LOL.

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Haha the forst toilet picture is amazing , in dutch loos means
( not like you say loo’s ) it means discharge so that’s pretty accurate.
Great file of moments in the littlest rooms.
Happy weekend

ha ha! I wonder if we picked the name loos from the Dutch? I could never find out why we call them loos in UK