"Your kid will speak at last!" - many modern ads in my city promise.
Today I saw one of them and it pushed me to make this post.
And it's nice "cheese" for moms' trap.
Or is it a real help for kids?
Guys, what do you think about it?
Do you face the problem of kids who don't speak until they are 3 years old or even 3,5-4 years old?
Modern "rules" say all kids should say their first words at about 1 y.o. (12-18 months), and if it doesn't happen it says about great neurological problems, and the kid should be treated with medical pills as fast as possible.
I know dozens of mom who follow this "rule". And they really were in panic when their kids didn't start to speak at this age.
And they really went to the doctor who said how terrible and wrong it was, and how immediately these kids needed medical help.
And all these kids got powerful nootropics!
Did they help?
Amn't sure.
Kids really started to speak soon but is it benefits of nootropics pills??? Or just the right time came?
Personally I suffered from this tension as well.
My son started speaking at 3,3 years old.
yeah, it was rather late but he is a left-handed boy, and he is a boy, who always are slower in speaking than girls.
And I was pressed by relatives and other people who pushed me to go to the doctor and treated my son.
I rejected and made them all keep silent.
It was only MY deal as a mom, and it was only my decision.
I was sure my son was healthy and smart.
I felt it and I saw he understood all my words.
I knew I had to wait for HIS OWN TIME.
And I was right! I won!
he started speaking later than other kids but the speed of his speech development was so fast that soon there was no difference between him and others.
Moreover, now he is much smarter, and his speech is more developed than many of other kids who started speaking at 1 y.o have.
I avoided medical "help" and nootropics for my boy.
And I am so happy about it.
But so many moms are under deep influence of this business that is called "medicine"....
What do you think, guys?
Is there in your place such a problem with kids speech and medicine help with it?
We had a similar experience with my youngest daughter. She didn't speak at 4 year old, she had echolalia and her own jargon. We needed a specialist to help us and with therapy was able to speak. Now she's almost 9 and even words with the letter R are a bit difficult for her. Everyone decides what's best for their child, I agree that medicating immediately isn't good, but it's good to have the opinion of several specialists so that we can make the decision.
yeah, you're right. It's better to check and recheck it first.
thanks for your story!
I remember that in my parents youth it was Ok when kids didn't speak at 3, almost all of them started speaking later but they were healthy. Now it's considered to be a great problem. I see business in it, not more.
I am in such situations right now my baby is 2 plus but isn't saying anything other then the baby sound.
Iam so worried because other kids his age are already speaking, I hear some discouraging words from mothers like me saying maybe he has a tongue tie. I have checked severally but no tongue tie.
My son is so smart, intelligent and active I am waiting patiently for his time, I know he will speak.
I find courage from reading your post thanks for this.
I'm happy if you better mood after my post!
don't worry! it can really be too early for him!
you see, you're not alone, many Mom face the same situation, but sometimes it's better just to wait and let your baby develop with his own speed