in Motherhood3 years ago (edited)


Hola Mis Bellas Mamas y Papas que se encuentran en esta increible comunidad. Les quiero contar que hace poco fue el Cumpleaños numero 4 de Mi Hijo. Estaba muy emocionada, porque debido a la pandemia no habiamos podido celebrarlo y mi hijo no habia disfrutado de su cumpleaños con sus amiguitos. Este año, nos propusimos celebrarlo ya que mi hijo comprendia la celebracion de su cumpleaños y el queria su piñata. Como todo preparativo aunque era algo super sencillo, siempre tiene su nivel de estres y ajetreo, siempre tratas de que no te falta nada ese dia, pero es imposible, nos faltaron unas cosas y mi esposo salio a comprarlas.
Mi hijo queria celebrar su cumpleaños de Plantas Vs Zombies , estaba muy emocionado, siempre estuvo emocionado por su piñata, y como esta tematica no se consigue en los lugares de confiteria , su tia se la mando a hacer con lo que el tanto queria que era un zombie.

El dia del cumpleaños llego y para nosotros ver esos ojitos que brillaban porque sabia que era su cumpleaños fue una de nuestras grandes recompensas. Comenzamos esperando que llegara el sr del mobiliario para poder armarle su mesita, en lo que llego el mobiliario comenze a inflar los globos, mis hijos estaban emocionados, lanzaban los globlos de un lugar a otro, era una fiesta entre ellos, risas y gritos eso era lo que reinaba en ese momento

Arme todo super rapido, jejej quede sorprendida de mi rapidez, pero pude comprender que era porque yo tambien me sentia como una niña en su cumpleaños, en mi mente pensaba , que realmente esto es lo que de verdad importa, los momentos de calidad que le damos a nuestros hijos .

Ya armado el montaje , solo esperabamos por la torta, y unos ponquesitos para poder colocarlos en la mesa, la cual llego en lo que menos los esperaba, ya que mi amiga quien amablemente quizo darsela de regalo, nos llamo que estaba afuera y que salieramos a recibirla. De verdad toda una belleza la torta



De repente , recibimos una llamada de la tia de mi esposo, y era para comunicarnos que le tenia una sorpresa a emiliano, habia preparado muchisimos minidulces para que mi hijo compartiera con sus amiguitos en su cumpleaños, de verdad que son angeles que uno tiene en su camino y lo agradecemos enormemente


Ya con todos los dulces en casa, emiliano no se resistio en probar un ponquesito y se lo comio jjaja, bueno era su cumpleños y el tenia que disfrutarlo en todo el sentido de la palabra jajaja. Me faltaba ubicar los cotillones y los dulces, de los cuales Emiliano me ayudo a colocarlos en la mesa para que todo luciera bonito.



A medida que transcurria la tarde , Mi hijo estaba ansioso porque llegaran sus invitados, nos ayudo a organizar las sillas y nos dio mucha risa porque las aocmodo como si fuese una reunion jajajaj

Llego la hora, y comenzaron a llegar los invitados, el muy feliz recibiendolos y reciendo sus regalos, esa alegria de un hijo es increible y sabrosa, me sentia como la super mama y hasta nostalgica me puse porque estos tiempos de pandemia han cambiado nuestros ritmos y estilos de vida, y han hechos que nuestros niños no puedan disfrutar a plenitud con sus amigos , pero bueno debemos continuar.

Emiliano, disfruto muchisimo su cumpleaños, se tomo fotos con sus amiguitos su familia y su hermanita. Comio dulces, galletas, tequeños, bailo, se reia, jugo con sus primas y amiguitos. Fue un super anfitrion , mas orgullosa no pude sentirme de el, me siento bendecida con mis hijos.


La piñata fue la hora feliz para el y sus amiguitos, la emocion era mucha, hasta un beso le dio a su piñata como despidiendose de ella, comenzamos cantando : Dale, dale a la piñata, tumbala pa´ el suelo queremos caramelos, y entre gritos y risas, cad auno de los niños presentes tuvo su turno para darle a la piñata.


Cantamos su cumpleños feliz, rodeado de gente muy bonita que lo quiere mucho. En todo momento , la carita de mi hijo se mantuvo feliz, la super vela fue una emocion.


Estamos muy agradecidos con las personas que compartieron este momento con nuestro hijo, nuestro pequeño esfuerzo para nuestro hijo la pasara genial valio la pena, y lo mas importante para nosotros era que el disfrutara su dia y asi lo fue.

Post data: La papeleria creativa para la decoracion del mobiliario como para la torta (El set topper) del cumpleaños fue realizado por mi persona con todo el amor del mundo para mi hijo.
La torta fue realizada por mi amiga repostera.
La Piñata fue realizada por una amiga de mi cuñada, todos las amamos jejeje era terrotificamente hermosa.


Hello my beautiful moms and dads that are in this amazing community. I want to tell you that recently it was my son's 4th birthday. I was very excited, because due to the pandemic we had not been able to celebrate it and my son had not enjoyed his birthday with his friends. This year, we decided to celebrate it since my son understood the celebration of his birthday and he wanted his piñata. Like all preparations even though it was something super simple, it always has its level of stress and hustle and bustle, you always try not to miss anything that day, but it is impossible, we were missing some things and my husband went out to buy ______________________________________________________________
My son wanted to celebrate his Plants Vs Zombies birthday, he was very excited, he was always excited about his piñata, and since this theme is not available in the candy stores, his aunt had it made with what he wanted so much which was a zombie.

The day of the birthday came and for us to see those little eyes glowing because he knew it was his birthday was one of our greatest rewards. We started waiting for the furniture man to arrive so we could set up his little table, as soon as the furniture arrived I started to inflate the balloons, my kids were excited, they were throwing the balloons from one place to another, it was a party among them, laughter and screams that was what reigned at that moment.

I put everything together super fast, hehehe I was surprised at my speed, but I could understand that it was because I also felt like a little girl on her birthday, in my mind I thought, that this is what really matters, the quality moments that we give our children.

Once the assembly was ready, we were just waiting for the cake and some ponquesitos to place them on the table, which arrived when I least expected it, since my friend who kindly wanted to give it as a gift, called us that she was outside and that we should go out to receive it. The cake was truly a beauty.



Suddenly, we received a call from my husband's aunt, and it was to tell us that she had a surprise for Emiliano, she had prepared many mini sweets for my son to share with his friends on his birthday, truly they are angels that one has in his way and we are very grateful for it.


With all the candy at home, Emiliano couldn't resist trying a ponquesito and he ate it hahaha, well it was his birthday and he had to enjoy it in every sense of the word hahaha. I had to place the cotillions and sweets, Emiliano helped me to place them on the table so that everything looked nice.



As the afternoon went by, my son was anxious for his guests to arrive, he helped us organize the chairs and gave us a lot of laughs because he arranged them as if it was a meeting hahahahahahahahaha

The time came, and the guests began to arrive, he was very happy to receive them and receive their gifts, that joy of a son is incredible and tasty, I felt like the super mom and even nostalgic I got because these times of pandemic have changed our rhythms and lifestyles, and have made our children can not enjoy the most with their friends, but well we must continue.

Emiliano enjoyed his birthday very much, he took pictures with his friends, his family and his little sister. He ate candy, cookies, tequeños, danced, laughed, played with his cousins and friends. He was a super host, I couldn't feel more proud of him, I feel blessed with my children.


The piñata was the happy hour for him and his friends, the excitement was great, he even kissed his piñata as if he was saying goodbye to it, we started singing: Dale, dale a la piñata, tumbala pa' el suelo queremos caramelos, and between shouts and laughter, each of the children present had their turn to hit the piñata.


We sang his happy birthday, surrounded by beautiful people who love him very much. At all times, my son's face remained happy, the super candle was a thrill



We are very grateful to the people who shared this moment with our son, our little effort for our son to have a great time was worth it, and the most important thing for us was that he enjoyed his day and he did.

Post data: The creative stationery for the decoration of the furniture and for the cake (the topper set) of the birthday was made by me with all the love in the world for my son.
The cake was made by my baker friend.
The Piñata was made by a friend of my sister-in-law, we all love them hehehe it was so beautiful.



Happy Birthday! Hope you had a wonderful day and it was made special for your family.

Thank you very much friend @melbourneswest , Yes, my son enjoyed it to the fullest. many blessings. thanks for reading my post