En una nube al final del arcoiris

Quién me sigue por aquí sabe mi historia, quién aún no se las cuento. Como madre viví el peor momento de mi vida en el 2015 cuando a 2 días de nacido tuve que despedir físicamente a mi hijo, lo cual lógicamente me sepultó en un mundo oscuro y de profundo dolor que no había conocido. Pero quiero hablarles como pude salir y poder vivir nuevamente una vida normal con instantes felices.
Those who follow me here know my story, those who don't yet know my story. As a mother I lived the worst moment of my life in 2015 when 2 days after birth I had to physically say goodbye to my son, which logically buried me in a dark world of deep pain that I had never known. But I want to tell you how I was able to get out and live again a normal life with happy moments.
When I found myself with empty arms I couldn't think, I couldn't even breathe. I supported myself through the Instagram platform and joined several groups of women who lived or had lived the same experience and I can say that literally in principle that saved my life. Tribal support is essential in times when we do not see the light. But I was still missing something, my arms hurt from so much absence, arms that I wanted to fill knowing that it was not the same person, because yes, no child replaces another, each one is unique and different as the fingers of our hands and that is where this story begins.

So I thought to myself: could it be possible that I am after the rainbow? In principle, that son who left came without looking for it, I was already 38 years old, plus 3 previous cesarean sections and a diagnosis of endometriosis, in other words I had everything against me, but that did not stop my desire and my desire for a world of a thousand colors and that outweighed those obstacles and the worst thing I could do was not to try, that was a great life lesson learned, that we must never give up. I never told anyone my thoughts I was even afraid to externalize it because we always meet with opinionated people who believe they have the freedom to make a judgment regardless of the damage, I had enough with so many inopportune and painful comments like : I had enough with so many inopportune and painful comments like: you cry, you have other children, be thankful that you didn't give him/her the tit, at least you didn't take him/her to your house, so-and-so has gone through worse things than you and stop counting, how easy it is to talk when the one who lives the pain is not you and they were comments from family and friends, people are often cruel with their words, I still wonder if it was without thinking, although I believe that there is something called common sense, since then I have become more solitary, there are many people around me completely discarded for me although perhaps they do not know how to identify it, that is why that longing became a secret between God, my heart and me.


I decided to keep it private, I did not tell anyone that I was pregnant, only my husband knew, I did not want to explain to de anyone nor did I want to hear anything that would be inappropriate and that would hinder the moment I wanted to live in absolute peace. By my own decision, I submerged myself in a bubble where I did not want anyone or anything to disturb me. The hurtful comments continued. Many people, believe it or not, were pleased to show me pictures of newborn babies, to me who had lost one 10 months ago, things that they did not do before, so I doubt that they are things that are done without any malice, but they could no longer hurt me if that was the intention, because inside me a new heart was beating, I had a protective shield against everything, it was like winning the lottery jackpot, well it does not compare because it was much more than that and luck had touched me.
The months went by and by the sixth month it was impossible to hide it and without hiding it I lived my pregnancy until the day came. I want you to know that I repeated the same experience during the cesarean section that I lived with my heavenly baby, now my rainbow baby was the one who was in intensive care, but I will leave that for another time, what matters is that he came out of that situation and today he gives me the best smiles, the best moments of my life. Many times I wonder how I could have ever felt happy without knowing him. I really do not know what would have become of me if I had not tried, surely the whole road would have been more difficult. I know that many women have not been as fortunate as me, and that is when I think that we must always find the figure of the rainbow through other forms and that applies to all situations in which we live a desolation. My world is of a thousand colors. My son gives me that indescribable strength because every time I see him, as in this moment in which I am writing these lines, I tell myself that I am the heroine of my own story and that nothing collapses and that the greatest thing I have desired in my life and with the immense faith placed in God I was able to achieve it. My story is impregnated with pain but also with strength and much learning such as not being a burden for those who suffer because words also kill and that is the message I wanted to convey. Many people wish for other things and I only wished for my rainbow baby and here I have him and he came with the smell of rebirth.

Gracias por dedicar un tiempo para leer mi publicación, la escribí con mucho amor.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post, I wrote it with a lot of love.
Me despido.
I bid you farewell.

Todo el contenido que se encuentra en esta publicación es de mi autoría, cualquier duda hacer mención a mi persona y con gusto les responderé @surglen.
Las Fotografías colocadas han sido citadas con su respectiva fuentes@surglen.
The photographs have been cited with their respective sources. @surglen.
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Hola @surglen te felicito por ese hermoso bebe arcoirirs, dios te lo bendiga. Yo tambien vivi la experiencia de perder un hijo, en mi caso pues hubo que realizar un aborto terapeutico porque el bebe venia anancefalico, despues de pasar ese duelo, pues Siod me lleno mis lagrimas de sonrisas al darme tambien mi bebe arcoiris, el que llena mis dias y me dibuja siempre una sonrisa y un te amo gigante. Me senti muy emocionada de leer tu experiencia y gracias por compartirla. Abrazos y bendiciones
Gracias por leerme y por tu comentario ...me alegra enormemente que ya tengas tu bebé arcoiris en brazos.. el dolor de perder un hijo es inexplicable aún en gestación solo que muchas personas por no vivirlo no lo entiende... Te abrazo gigante.
Not every lady is strong like you who tolerated all the wrong stuff and gained positive inspiration; keep on trying at least you can't blame yourself.
And your son his smile is much cute than a rainbow. Stay blessed dear although I can't discuss the matter much as I am 22 hehe but my mom is praising your effort.💟@surglen at the start I was feeling a bit emotional about the loss you have encountered but rainbow baby, to be honest, it's a blessing and miracle for sure.
Muchas gracias por tus palabras y si he sido muy afortunada en tener mi Rainbow baby... Gracias por tu visita ...en los casos de pérdidas de bebes hay que tener empatia.
i can relate with you as I have passed through this experience. We lost our 3 months baby because he stayed in an incubator for all his life and still did not survive. That's heartbreaking but part of life.
Lo siento mucho..es una dura experiencia de vida...luego hay que aprender a vivir con esa ausencia solo los que lo hemos vivido sabemos lo que se siente ..te abrazo
Así es. Uno tiene que vivir con lo que Dios Todopoderoso tiene reservado para nosotros. Puedo entender tus sentimientos y estar junto a ti en este
Like you said yourself, your story is a cocktail of sadness and happiness but it's a very blessed thing that the happiness is more and lasting. May God continue to bless you and look after your lovely son and the rest of your family.
Gracias por tus bellos deseos..te envio bendiciones ...un abrazo