Demands by children from parents

in Motherhood2 years ago

It is a good news, the future ambitions of our beloved kids, their amazing demands and want at those tender age. Childhood is the life bracket where it is had to foresee the earth in plane world, regarding what it takes to become a stable being, financially, economically and other wise. The children throw themselves back and forth in everything, this is their time, this level of haven't seen the world in the true pictures because the beloved parents are at the watch Tower.


Children are therefore of high demands, having one way reasoning, how things ought to be and from the society of pressure of possibilities. And now, what is the big story lacking in the wisdom of our kids at the level and bracket of life? The realisation of of a popular statement that says all fingers are not equal. When children are growing up, they make the choice of highest institution to attend school even in the foreign land, the type of car they want to drive and those personalities, they want to become and more. These are possibilities but children never consider the economic and financial status of their parents.

The world is not all that straight but narrow where a particular parents, would have attained a life limit of ability and decided to bring forth kids before old age, hence living by their means. What is the big and biggest advice for our kids here, is to cut their coat according to their size. While demanding from your parents, Inspite of what you see other children doing, always weigh the weight of your own parents abilities. Even if you have high tastes, prepare to taste the struggle for life by your humble self, determination is success but always demand that which your own parents can afford according their own means of livelihood.

Therefore my beloved kids always pray for your parents that your demands to realise your ambitions will be affordable by them but if they couldn't, keep pressing towards the price, one day, you shall sow like an eagle in the sky, determination is success. And in your great obedient and observations, you would have cut your coat according to your coat, demanding what you know That your parents can effortlessly afford. Parents are blessings never allow them to exceed their ability.


The consideration that our children may have for us depends on the way we raise them, we must teach them to value those who love them and care about them, their parents, that things are bought with effort and that nothing is easy, I understand perfectly.