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RE: When Enough Is Enough.

in Motherhood3 years ago

That's my point too, I'm a big believer in self-love and how important it is before trying to love someone else but try explaining that to a friend who isn't ready to listen.
As someone who has been in a physically abusive relationship I know how damaging such dependence on someone else all in the name of love or perceived love as it would appear in Mariam's case, I can only hope she comes to realize this very soon.
Thanks for engaging @lauralauze plus we missed you at the PYPT show today.


Dear Princess,
Yess, but then again - we get the life lessons until we can´t bear the weight of not learning :) Most of the life's lessons are about self-acceptance and self-love.
And when we finally wake up to understand that everybody is just our own mirror-reflection - we love others as if we loved ourselves.
I felt bad for not having the chance yesterday, I missed PYPT too, but my internet was cut off ... I missed the payment date for being busy with writing my extra long meditative posts :)))) My soul transfers to other dimensions while I write hahahah