If you can't stand the heat...

in Motherhood4 years ago


It is so hot. We are on our third stretch of heat warnings this year and it is only June. It is midnight right now and it is still 24C ( that's 75.2F if you prefer). They are expecting another day of at least 35C (95F) tomorrow. I don't know if I can handle it.


It is too hot to take the kids out anywhere. We tried a couple of days ago, but couldn't stay long, our youngest is only 5 months so it's really hard on her in this heat. Everyone is getting cooped up and a little cranky. Most especially me. I am still nursing our wee one, and it is so uncomfortable in the heat. We only have a little window unit for our air conditioner and it really only cools the living room. We are doing what we can to keep the temperature down so that we can sleep at night. Which means keeping the TV off and the lights as minimal as possible, and trying not to use the oven. That pretty much kills all of the easy entertainment options for my toddler, and makes meal planning extra difficult for me.

So what do you do, with a toddler and a baby stuck at home for days on end, when they desperately want outdoors? Spray parks are closed due to covid, and we have no yard to run a sprinkler. Just another one of the many things made more difficult due to the ongoing pandemic.

So far we have been having dance parties in the living room in front of the AC, using our iphones as DJ's. We have had epic light saber battles. We even took the whole family to Walmart yesterday to cool off. We have also had meltdowns and tantrums, and a distinct lack of patience. I sure hope this lets up soon.

I think tomorrow both my kiddos will be playing in the bath. My poor baby girl is covered in heat rash right now, so hopefully a bath will make her more comfortable. Maybe I will even hop in with them, can't hurt to treat the tub like a swimming pool for a day.

I'm going to start running out of ideas soon if the heat sticks around much longer. I'm already running out of stamina myself, so I can't blame the kids for being grumpy. I struggle to sleep in this heat as well, which isn't exactly increasing my patience.

This kind of heat usually brings on some pretty amazing storms though. I say bring it on. So long as we don't get any tornados. (always a risk but usually not too common or damaging in our area, they only happen rarely, at least in populated areas.) If it breaks the heat I will welcome a little thunder and lightening.

Now I'm off to try and sleep, if I can manage to cool off enough to do so. Oh those summer nights....


I agree on tornados, stay away! We have had such bad heat here too, and usually, we get thunderstorms to clear it out, but we've been in drought conditions for weeks now. we picked a bad year to plant grass, for sure

I can't beleive how early this is hitting this year, usually, July and August are our hottest months which is worrisome. I hope you guys get some rain soon. The heat and drought have me wondering how bad fire season will be this year. fingers crossed for a little moisture in the forecast.

Nice Green Day

It is pretty green right now, lots of new leaves!