How to survive isolation w 2 kids

in Motherhood3 years ago


today I'll be writing about our activities with my kids during isolation because of covid19. I believe everyone has that experience in past two years, and how are you handeling it? I can tell that it's challenging because kids love to hang out with their friends and to play outside. So how to explain to your kids that for next two weeks we have to stay at home, and what activites can you do with them so they don't go crazy of boredom.

One of the first things we did was cleaning the house with kids. I gave them their cleaning kit, so they were extra motivated. They were cleaning windows and tables with their little spray bottle. It ended pretty well, table was never cleaner but also never more wet. Can't say I wasn't sattisfied. Furthermore, they had to put all their toys in boxes and ofcourse sort them. And for end of cleaning there was vaccuming the house. They really enjoyed it and they were happy to be includded as equals.


When there was time to make lunch, I also included them to help in preparation. There was alot of mess but lunch was perfect and we all enjoyed it. And kids were never happier. Problem with eating we usually have with our son seemed to be gone. He ate food he made by himself and really enjoyed it. Our tummies and hearts were full.


When I needed a break there was colored dough for them to play. It gave me a time to sit down and drink coffee or do sth for may job on laptop.


There was also a lot of storytelling which they adore. Reading to your kids is very important fot their emotional development and language development, so I read to my kids every chance I get. We go to library to get book, and we buy some in shop. So we have little library of our own at home.


As you can tell from written and from pictures, we had a great time and we spent our time well. Hope you like this post, I'll write again soon.

Xoxo, Ana-Maria 💕


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Thank you very much for those tips. I taught introduction is in section about me, so I don't have to write post to introduct, so thank you again for the guide. :)

Personally I have people close to me with health issues, so I have tried to be careful. If I passed Covid on to one of my friends or family that is vulnerable and they died I would feel terrible about it. I actually know someone who did exactly that: she was very careless, she caught covid, and then she visitid her sister and her sister died...the guilt destroyed her! As far as I know, she is still in severe depression, she was on some kind of medication (probably anti-depressant or heavy benzos) and she could barely keep her eyes open.

But I did start doing some light traveling again, though I am still careful. I am sure it must be hectic having a few young children during Covid!

Reading to your kids is very important fot their emotional development and language development, so I read to my kids every chance I get. We go to library to get book, and we buy some in shop. So we have little library of our own at home.

That is fantastic! A lot of parents dont even read to their kids at all these days, it is really sad. Children need to grow up reading, that is how they develop their imagination, and keeps them from getting addicted to their phones 24/7. My best friend is a good man, but his kids are absolutely hopeless, he gave them phones when they were very young and it is all they do now. Frankly it is downright sad. So it gives me hope to see good parents like you raising their kids right, good work!

We also try to be careful, but I have to go to work and kids to kindergarden so we can't be safe all the time. In this very moment I am infected with covid, but I'm okay also my husband and kids. Although my son started cauhing today and has temperature, but I hope he'll be fine. We have to stay home for 10 more days and we are home from Wednesday. So I think I will have to write "How to survive isolation Part. 2" 😫😫
I'm glad to hear that someone thinks I'm doing right job, I was writing about cellphones and kids abusing them in "21st selfish parents" I have so much on that subject but short on time with 2kids, job and montessori education 🤷‍♀️🥴 Hope you will remember this when you will have your own kids or just now and than mention it to people with kids, Although on my experience parents do not want to take and advice to hang with their kids and as I said are selfish because they want all their free time for thamselfs and kids are just on their way, but if kids are entertained with screens you have all the time you need. 😐