Get dirty or stay clean

in Motherhood3 years ago

Hi everyone,

Every day I complain about muddy shoes that I have to clean and dry for new day. 🥾🥾🥾 But I do it just so I can complain about something I really don't mind my kids getting dirty, cause they are kids and all they care about is to have fun outdoors. They have nothing on their mind than to have fun and explore. And I love that. I always say to kids, get dirty, play well.

As I work in kindergarden I occasionaly see kids getting upset about getting dirty because their parents get mad. I fell sorry for those kids and parents. Those parents buy expensive clothes and expect them to be clean and in one piece. Not thinking at all about their kids and their need to get dirty and have fun not thinking about such stupid thing as muddy javket or shoes. Kids need to run and not care about pieces of clothing they are going to growout in a few months. So I buy cosy and cheap clothes for my kids and don't mind putting it in washing machine every evening it's not like I have to go on a river and wash it by my bare hands.🥴

So my advice to all parents, that get upset by such thing, let it go. Let your kids have careless childhood they all deserve. Don'r use sentences such as "you got dirty again", much better thing to say is "I see you had fun today, what were you playing, was it fun, did you enjoy your day". 💗

Let your kids play, let them be careless and dirty, because it's a way they explore, learn and have fun. ❗

Xoxo 🥰

And thanks for reading 🙌


Wow this is so funny and cute amazing too, because everything you've just said is true.definitely as a child and as parents too you must always talk about your being clean while going to school or to any occasion because there's every tendency that they must get dirty no matter how you get angry at or do a little threatening they don't mind or care about whether the clothes or shoes are so expensive or where you got the money from to get those clothes and shoes either all care about is to play and have fun so long as they are seeing their friends which are on the same line with them. One I have come to understand that there is time for everything they do because there will be a time when they will realize that they have actually out grown that level or age there's every tendency that as parents we must always complain so all we have to do is to allow them do it but being watchful and careful on them.

Thank you for reading, I'm glad you see it like I do.