Group project closure from Emita🥰🎄❤️ [Esp-Eng]

in Motherhood3 months ago



Hola mamis y papis de @motherhood feliz sabado, espero que tengan un lindo fin de semana, por aca sigo con muchas cosas que compartir en este mes de diciembre que suele ser bastante movido, agradezco a Dios poder estar con mis chiquitos en cada momento especial 🥰y esta vez quiero mostrarles un poco lo qud fue el cierre de proyecto grupal en el colegio de Ema, ya que el inidividual lo tuvieron hace unos 15 dias, pero luego de eso, en el salon eligieron a 6 niños para participar en este cierre mayor, y entre esos estaba mi pioja Ema, era la encargada de poner la estrella en el Arbolito 🥰🥰

Hi moms and dads of @motherhood happy saturday, I hope you have a nice weekend, here I continue with many things to share in this month of December which is usually quite busy, I thank God to be with my little ones in every special moment 🥰and this time I want to show you a little of what was the closing of group project in Ema's school, since they had the individual one about 15 days ago, but after that, in the classroom they chose 6 children to participate in this major closure, and among them was my little Ema, she was in charge of putting the star on the Arbolito 🥰🥰🥰.



Y tambien era la encargada de llevar la estrella asi que junto a mi mami se la hicimos, ya luego les comparto el paso a paso jeje, quedo linda y con cosas fáciles de conseguir!! Pero bueno continuamos, el viernes 13 fue el cierre de proyecto en el que debiamos estar a las 8am en el colegio, yo como suelo ser puntual, a esa hora estaba ahi, pero resulta que la actividad comenzó a las 9:30 y mientras tanto yo distraía a mi chiquita que de paso andaba sin desayunar porque se levantó tarde y ella no come al lavantarse entonces le prepare su avenita mas huevo revuelto y se la guardé para que cuando su papá y hermanito se fueran al colegio porque ibamos a ir todos a verla jeje se la llevaran, mientras tanto le tomaba algunas fotos porque simplemente estaba bellisima🥰

And I was also in charge of carrying the star so together with my mommy we made it, and then I will share with you the step by step hehe, it was nice and easy to get things! But well we continue, Friday 13th was the closing of the project in which we had to be at 8am at school, I as I am usually punctual, at that time I was there, but it turns out that the activudad began at 9: 30 and meanwhile I distracted my little girl who by the way was without breakfast because she woke up late and she does not eat when she was washing herself so I prepared her oatmeal plus scrambled egg and I kept it for her so when her dad and little brother went to school because we were all going to go to see her hehe they could take it with them, meanwhile I took some pictures because she was simply beautiful🥰.



El lugar estaba ambientado para la ocasion, se llamaba "La Ruta Navideña" y era una especie de cuento que iban recreando mediante canciones y bailes, por supuesto acompañados de los mas chiquitos🥰

The place was decorated for the occasion, it was called "La Ruta Navideña" and it was a kind of a basket that was recreated through songs and dances, of course accompanied by the little ones🥰.




El lugar estaba lleno de padres y yo por estar con Emita en el salon para que no llorara porque no estaban sus maestras sino todos los niños que iban a participar mas otras maestras, me quedé sentada casi de ultima

The place was full of parents and I was with Emita in the classroom so she wouldn't cry because her teachers were not there but all the children who were going to participate plus other teachers, I sat almost at the end of the room.


Pero bueno nada que el zoom no pueda arreglar jeje comenzó el evento con la directora contandole el cuento a la niña, mientras iba sonando el cuento en la corneta ellos iban recreandolo, la verdad quedó bien bonito todo

But well nothing that the zoom can not fix hehe began the event with the director telling the story to the girl, while the story was playing on the bugle they were recreating it, the truth was very nice everything.



Luego del cuento en seguida salió Emita junto a 3 compañeritas, faltaron 2 de las que fueron elegidas, pero bueno bailaron al rededor del arbol y luego la maestra la cargó para que pusiera la estrella 🥰🥰 y despues a bailar se ha dicho, cosa que Ema no hizo mucho jajaja le dio como pena, pero bueno al final se movia de lado a lado muy sutilmente como toda una princesa que es 😂

After the story immediately Emita came out with 3 classmates, 2 of the chosen ones were missing, but well they danced around the tree and then the teacher carried her to put the star 🥰🥰 and then to dance, which Ema did not do much hahaha she felt sorry, but well in the end she went from side to side very subtly like the princess she is 😂.




Luego seguia el cuento con el resto de los niños pero solo capture el momento de los angelitos pero salieron los reyes magos incluso, santa y al final todos para el parrandon

Then the story continued with the rest of the children but only captured the moment of the little angels but even the wise men came out, Santa and at the end all for the parrandon.



En el parrandon la directora la cargo y Emita estaba como un ventilador bucandome, yo tenia una angustia que no se imaginan, porque su carita era ya para llorar, pero me monté en la silla y le alcé los brazos y me vio😍Dios mio me volvio el alma al cuerpo jajaja le comence a lanzar besos y saludar y su carita cambio🥰 he aqui la importancia de la presencia de mami y papi con los niños en sus actividades🥰

In the parrandon the director was in charge and Emita was like a fan looking for me, I had an anguish that you can not imagine, because her face was already crying, but I got on the chair and I raised my arms and she saw me😍God my soul returned to my body hahaha I started to throw kisses and greet her and her face changed🥰 here is the importance of the presence of mommy and daddy with the children in their activities🥰.


Al finalizar se tomó la foto con su adorada maestra ingrid y su bello hermanito que fue a ver tambien y asi dimos fin al colegio por este año🥰🥰

At the end he took the picture with his beloved teacher Ingrid and his beautiful little brother who also went to see him and so we ended the school for this year🥰🥰🥰



Fotos de mi propiedad
Portada editada en PicsArt

Photos of my property
Cover edited in PicsArt


Que hermosa esa muñequita Dios la bendiga

Gracias bella, amén🥰

Ay Ami, casi se te pone a llorar, menos mal te vio rápido jaja. Demasiado preciosa Emita 💕

que linda Dios la cuide!

Am happy for your and your daughter.she is cute and bright


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