Cuando algo no anda bien,pero no sabes que es!!! Nuestra historia 2da parte

in Motherhood11 months ago

Hola mi gente de hive,aquí les traje la 2da parte de:Cuando algo no anda bien,pero no sabes que es!!! Nuestra historia.
Cómo seguía relatando, al llegar al consultorio el pediatra, de inmediato notó lo que estaba pasando,perooooo se lo resuelvo para el final, examinó a la niña me fue explicando que estaba hinchada,que sacaba mucho la lengua, que su piel estaba un poco amarillenta, también la describió su piel,como piel de malla, aparte estaba reseca, tosca y me explico la razón porque no evacuaba seguido, tenía el proceso digestivo lento y por tal motivo no procesaba bien los alimentos,mi gente el doctor me preguntó: cuánto tiempo tiene la niña así?,le expliqué que yo había estado notando sus síntomas hace ya un mes pero que hace 15 la estaba notando más rara de lo que ya la habia notado,el me dijo: tu hija está presentando síntomas de una enfermedad llamada "hipotiroidismo congénito" y su diagnóstico está siendo tardío,quede en chop...😱 en mi vida había escuchado esa enfermedad; podrán imaginar mi experiencia en ese momento, 😰 y eso no era todo me dijo que esa enfermedad la tiene de nacimiento, más impactante aún 😱 mi hija, mi gente,había nacido con esa condición


llorando, le expliqué al doctor como era esto posible,que mi beba contaba con un seguro médico que disfruta para ese entonces,no entendía porque que el otro doctor no se habia percatado de eso??? el doctor me preguntó pero, tú la tenías en control pediatrico? Él penso que por ser yo, joven no tenia a mi hija en control,ante está pregunta,le expliqué que si, mi esposo para ese entonces trabajaba en una empresa petrolera pero que no me explicaba, porque él pediatra no se la había detectado, me dijo que a ella había que tratarla lo más pronto posible que si la bebé pasaba los 5 meses sin tratamiento la perdía, quede desplomada mi gente 😭😭😭😭 llora que llora el doctor, me calmo me dijo,"se fuerte porque ahora es que me tocaba luchar y que todo lo que estas sintiendo tu bebé lo siente y no la estaba ayudando", le mando a realizar un perfil tiroideo de emergencia,pero con su experiencia el estaba seguro de que era eso,lo cual los exámenes lo confirmaron dando positivo, me envió lo más pronto posible a Caracas al JM de los ríos un hospital que queda en Caracas para que la examinarán una amiga de él,endocrinóloga y me aconsejo también que buscará en mi tierra un endocrinólogo pediátrico para tenerla en control lo más pronto posible, también le receto el medicamento que suplanta el trabajo de la hormona que mi beba no estaba produciendo, sin demora llame a mi esposo que estaba en monagas trabajando y le expliqué la situación,también quedó en chop😱,no lo creía😳,me dijo mi hija no puede tener eso ese doctor está equivocado,le mencioné todo lo que me había dicho el doctor y al igual q yo también quedó sorprendido 😳 mi tía y mi prima que me estaban apoyando al igual q mi padre tratamos de buscar el medicamento

Una vez que lo conseguimos me receto como dársela,de inmediato empezamos su tratamiento para ese entonces la dosis era de 25 mcg en ayunas,como era una bebé se la diluía en leche materna y se la daba a tomar,queridos hive aunque estaba destrozada e impactada por todo lo que estaba pasando no me cansé tomé la recomendación del doctor de ir a Caracas a buscar esa doctora que el me recomendó en el J.M de los ríos,allí había endocrinólogo que podían ayudarme con la condición de mi beba,cuando fui era un diciembre los médicos estaban saliendo de vacaciones.Pero aún así no me di por vencida conseguí una amiga que tenía contactos en ese hospital y logramos que la examinarán, para mí sorpresa la doctora no estaba, pero una colega de ella,otra endocrinóloga solo vio a la niña y dijo lo mismo que el doctor... está niña tiene un hipotiroidismo fuerte, me atendieron apesar de que no tenía cita,la volvieron a examinar,le volvieron a realizar el examen y bueno no me sentía bien, sentía mucha culpa y rabia mi gente, a la vez consideraba que todo lo que ella estaba pasando era todo mi culpa,pero nunca faltó el apoyo de mi esposo y el apoyo de mi papá, mi tía,mis cuñada,mi hermana,mi prima familiares más allegados, me ayudó mucho para no entrar en depresión al ver a mi hija en esa condición,toda blandita, recordar que tendría secuela, que era probable que no caminara por lo tarde del diagnóstico de verdad que me sentía muy mal,pero bueno fue un proceso largo que pasamos con Yirduaris, no nos rendimos con ella gracias a mi Dios que siempre estuvo allí,es que consideramos que disfrutamos de ella hoy día, por eso me gusta mencionar este texto bíblico que me ayudó a mi como madre a no desfallecer en esos momentos duros Gálatas 6:9 "Así que no dejemos de hacer lo que está bien, porque al debido tiempo segaremos si no nos cansamos" los dejaré con otro continuará para explicarles un poco de mi lección de esta vivencia


When something is wrong, but you don't know what it is!!! Our story part 2

Hello my hive people,here I brought you the 2nd part of:When something is wrong,but you don't know what it is!!!! Our story.
As I was saying, when I arrived at the pediatrician's office, he immediately noticed what was going on, but I will solve it for the end, he examined the girl and explained to me that she was swollen, that she was sticking out her tongue a lot, that her skin was a little yellowish, he also described her skin, like mesh skin, besides she was dry, coarse and he explained the reason why she did not evacuate often, she had a slow digestive process and for that reason she did not process food well, my people the doctor asked me: How long has the child been like this?,I explained to him that I had been noticing her symptoms for a month already but that 15 months ago I was noticing her more strange than I had already noticed her,he told me: your daughter is presenting symptoms of a disease called "congenital hypothyroidism" and her diagnosis is being late,I was left in chop....😱 I had never heard that disease in my life; you can imagine my experience at that moment, 😰 and that was not all, he told me that she was born with that disease, even more shocking 😱 my daughter, my people, had been born with that condition.


crying, I explained to the doctor how this was possible, that my baby had a medical insurance that I enjoyed at that time, I didn't understand why the other doctor didn't notice that? the doctor asked me but, you had her in pediatric control? He thought that because I was young, I did not have my daughter in control, to this question, I explained that yes, my husband at that time worked in an oil company but he did not explain to me why the pediatrician had not detected it, he told me that she had to be treated as soon as possible that if the baby passed 5 months without treatment I would lose her, I was devastated, my people 😭😭😭😭 cry and cry the doctor, he calmed me down and told me, "be strong because now it is my turn to fight and that everything you are feeling your baby feels and I was not helping her", he sent her for an emergency thyroid profile, but with his experience he was sure that it was that, which the tests confirmed it was positive, He sent me as soon as possible to Caracas to the JM de los Rios, a hospital in Caracas, to have her examined by a friend of his, an endocrinologist, and he also advised me to look for a pediatric endocrinologist in my country to have her under control as soon as possible, he also prescribed the medication that replaces the work of the hormone that my baby was not producing, without delay I called my husband who was in Monagas working and explained the situation to him, he was also shocked😱 he did not believe it😳 he told me my daughter cannot have that, that doctor is wrong, I mentioned everything the doctor had told me and he was also surprised 😳 my aunt and my cousin who were supporting me as well as my father, we tried to look for the medicine.

Once we got it he prescribed me how to give it to her,immediately we started her treatment by that time the dose was 25 mcg on an empty stomach,as she was a baby he diluted it in breast milk and gave it to her to drink,dear hive although I was devastated and shocked by everything that was happening I did not get tired I took the doctor's recommendation to go to Caracas to look for that doctor that he recommended me at the J.M de los ríos, there was an endocrinologist there who could help me with my baby's condition, when I went there it was December and the doctors were on vacation, but I still did not give up, I got a friend who had contacts in that hospital and we managed to get her examined, to my surprise the doctor was not there, but a colleague of hers, another endocrinologist just saw the child and said the same as the doctor.... This girl has a strong hypothyroidism, they saw me even though I did not have an appointment, they examined her again, they did the test again and well I did not feel well, I felt a lot of guilt and anger, I felt that everything she was going through was all my fault, but the support of my husband and the support of my dad, my aunt, my sister-in-law, my sister, my cousin, my closest relatives, helped me a lot to not go into depression when I saw my daughter in that condition,It was a long process that we went through with Yirduaris, we did not give up with her, thanks to my God who was always there, we consider that we enjoy her today, that is why I like to mention this biblical text that helped me as a mother not to faint in those hard moments, Galatians 6:9 "So let us not fail to do what is right, for at the proper time we shall reap if we do not grow weary" I will leave you with another one to continue to explain a little of my lesson from this experience


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