Hello dear Hiveians... how have you been?
Did you make a good costume for the halloween?
I grew up in Indonesia and halloween was not a thing there, so I never have experienced the "trick and treat" night stroll as a child.
In fact (at least when I was still a child) the children in my homeland would have been scared by their elders with a bunch of ghost stories so that they won't get out and play around at night alone :-D.
Most people would tend to think too much and fantasize about ghosts & co. when they come across into shrubs and bushes when they walk outside at night.
People believe that especially old trees would often have "penunggu" means a "master/host", so they would be referent and even say greetings while walking by.
In fact... even at our last visit, my dad still gave us a talisman before we left them to go back to Germany to make sure that we're protected by the "local deity" . I'm only supposed to dispose it after I atleast travelled pass a certain location :-D, it would be the best to keep it until I arrived home.
My husband often said how silly it is for us Indonesians to be scared of nature 😔, human beings are the one who could actually pose real dangers to other human beings... ghosts are nonsens etc pp...
Yeah... tell them that then, not me LOL.
Neverthless...we still didn't say a word and obediently follow the order out of respect :-D.
By the way I was always a brave wild little kid, even if I grew up in a society that believe in Gods and supernatural beings like ghosts, monsters and Co. :-D.
I never was afraid of going home alone after watching TV at neighbour's place at night.
FYI... when I was a child the electricity supply network hasn't reached our village and only 2 neighbours had TV which was powered by batteries, so it's normal for us to enjoy some TV shows at neighbour's house :-D. I'm not so sure about the exact time, but I think we got electricity supply when I was about 12 years old or so. Anyway, people in my villages normally would not like to go out alone at night at that time cos it's dark and spooky.
Especially close to my house is an intercity street and sadly it's a very dangerous route, deadly accidents often happened along that street.
It might be weird for you but graphic scenes were not uncommon to me since my childhood. I have seen enough corpse in horrible conditions, so I can say that my mental fortitude is rather strong cos I never have any psychological issues.
Anyway rumours of wandering ghosts in our neighbourhood were kinda a matter of fact considering how many deaths caused by accidents happened in the vicinity.
Neverthless I wouldn't say that children didn't play freely outside. We loved to play at night, but normally only when it's a full moon and the days around it cos the night will be bright, otherwise it's too spooky cos it's dark.
Actually it's gonna be perfect for the "halloween" stroll though hahahaha.
I wonder how people would react if our cute little kobold popping out under the mahogany tree in front of my granny's house looking like this:
This ghost is called "Pocong" and it's especially scary for Indonesians because this is how the corpse would be dressed in Indonesia for the funeral. To be precise this is how a moslem corpse would be dressed, but indonesian folks are moslems in majority so this can be said as a common look for the corpse there. All humans are the same, so no matter how rich and how high is the social status, a moslem will only be covered by 3 to 5 layers of "kaffan"= a simple cotton cloth in a moderate quality and we call the packaging method as "pocong" in Indonesia. I made this costume out of our unused bedsheet and modify the bottom part a little bit :-D.
Actually the legs should be wrapped up completely so a pocong could only hop and jump to move about, but I made it like a loose trouser just so that my daughter can walk easily for the "trick and treat".
Since the whole body is wrapped up, this costume is warm enough to walk around at night in october climate.
I also left 2 little holes at both side for her hands so she can eat and hold the sweets pouch.
She wore this costume at the halloween last year.
This is her 3 years ago as a little vampire princess. I made the costume from my old furry coat. The crown is also a handmade one. She looks so cute in it, isn't she? Not scary at all LOL.
She didn't go to any halloween event 2 years ago because we were having a vacation a broad.
If I remember correctly we were in Thailand for the Hive-Fest3 (it's called Steem-Fest at that time).
Now we will see the pictures for our (probably) last halloween party in Germany, because we might no longer live here when the next halloween comes :).
This time I didn't personally make any costume because I have my hands full with something else.
She wants to be a spider lady this time :).
Thank you for stopping by to read my post and of course for the upvotes too.
Have a nice day everyone :).

Your little princess is too cute to scare anyone. You always got an excellent idea in making some dresses for her on each occasion. The spider princess is pretty beautiful with sweet and cheering smile, the same as her mom....😍
p.s. Indonesia's belief about ghosts is nearly the same as Thai's..... You were so brave to walk among the darkness between your neighbor's house and yours. I confess that I'm still scared about ghosts these days! Haha! 😅
Very original and unique costumes, you both definitely have a lot of fun !
Yes, we had fun :-D. It's nice that she had another chance to celebrate with her bestfriend who presently is still in the kindergarten whereas she is starting school this winter semester. Nextyear we probably would no longer have the chance because we're moving somewhere else.
Hello, I loved the costumes. I love Halloween and what I like most about Halloween is seeing children dressed up. Thank you for sharing with us 😊
Hello... thank you. It is indeed very interesting to see the creativity of many parents out there. Apparently so many people have hidden talents :).
Especially since putting on make up on children is really really a difficult task. They can't stay still 😅.
Nice to meet you.
Wow! It's good that she was able to celebrate it this year. For sure she enjoyed the moment then.
Yes.. she had much fun. Children love sweets afterall, and in this event she is allowed to have that many sweets :-D. Nice to meet you :)
Wow! Such a memorable moment then. Nice to meet you too.
Spiders on the cheek and bats on the head - that looks like a dangerous constellation to me. Protecting the spiders from the voracious pests around the head will require an elaborate plan.
But don't ask Dad about it now! He'll show up with a real solution and mysticism will disappear.
Testing the shroud in advance to see if it fits and doesn't pinch in places - I really think that's a good idea. Or even spending a night in the tomb with all the good and evil spirits for the sake of trying! 😮😊
Your comment never failed to make me smirk :-D. It didn't cross my mind at all that the bats might get hungry looking at the spiders and the princess would have a headache thinking what to do to keep both parties around.
Don't tell that to my parents! They would definitely say: "hussh hussh... don't talk things like this, it brings bad luck!"
Maybe not luck?
But the certainty that your costume lasts forever! 👻😇