Nowadays we live in a society where commonly we mothers want to contribute economically to our home, however there are those who only dedicate themselves to raise their children until they go to school and can defend themselves. Before becoming a mom a friend told me that for 2 years she dedicated herself to be with her son at home to make sure he was well since no one was going to take care of him like she did; when she told me that because she was not a mom she did not know and I answered her that if someday she was going to have a child, she did not plan to dedicate 24/7 to him.
Of course I wasn't a mom and I didn't know what it really feels like to have a little one at home. Today I can understand what she meant, even though I am a young mom I didn't think I was going to dedicate myself 24/7 to raising my son, there is literally not a day that I am not with him besides being away from my family that I could leave him with my mom I can't do that since he is not here with me.

However we must always keep in mind that we are women who also need a space for us, even if it is difficult as in my case I have not been able to have a space alone those mothers who can have it do not hesitate to do so, I know you can get to feel bad mother does not matter because you are not, you just need a few hours to connect with yourself and do not forget what you were before being a mom.
The truth for me is hard to be alone with my son all day and night, it is difficult but it was what I chose for my life, although in this country there are options for kindergarten which are paid but you can enroll since they are 2 months old, I usually when I was pregnant and working, was one of my thoughts because I wanted to continue with the life I had; however when I had my son in my arms everything took a turn in my life, which made me change my mind and decided to raise him myself until I can communicate things well, that is when he is at least 3 years old.

That's why sometimes you say things without knowing what really awaits you, I imagined another experience but I was wrong, I have always said that every mother and child lives a totally different story, no one is perfect in this life although we will always want to give the best for our children because it is our responsibility to raise a good person.
In conclusion, each mother decides what she wants, I decided it because I am in another country with a different culture from mine; the time will come when he will attend a kindergarten and I will have a little more time for myself.
