Hello, community today I want to talk to you about a very interesting topic, it is about the importance of instilling a healthy diet since they start with complementary feeding; For me it is important to offer totally healthy food, because that depends on the future we want for our children. I say this because my great-grandmother went to heaven at 98 years old, in fact sometimes I asked her how she managed to stay healthy and her answer was very simple: eating healthy is the secret to live for many years
That is the truth, that is why we must change that chip of giving sweets to our children because they gave it to me too, we have to cut that and take more care of our children, because they depend on us to teach them; sincerely if we do not give them to try those sweets they will not ask for it, I say this from experience, my son is 2 years old and he has been eating healthy since he was 6 months old, today he loves all fruits and vegetables, I will not lie to you that he has not tried ice cream because I would be lying to you, however there have been about 2 ice creams, you can not deny him an ice cream while he sees all the children eating.
I feel that everything will be in due time, maybe when he is older he will want to eat sweets, I know that will stop, but his diet will be healthy because if we all eat the same thing at home he will do it, although my son loves everything; so far he has not rejected any food, although there are foods like mashed potatoes that he does not eat anymore so I present it to him in a different way, since that is what it is all about.
In the course of my learning with the feeding of my son I have learned that they eat with their eyes, actually practically all of us do, so why not play with all those foods that we can get making healthy and fun dishes; not only for our children, but for the whole family, I do not know if it happens to them that when you sit at the table your child looks at your silver, the truth is my son is like that look if I have the same as him, for that reason I have a healthy diet and I have been able to maintain my weight.
In conclusion, my opinion is to make a change for our children so they will lead a healthy life, I assure you that by offering them natural foods from an early age it will not be necessary to be behind them to eat vegetables and fruits. Eating healthy is the best option to lead a healthy life.
Nice post . Eating right matters alot, it keeps sicknesses at bay.
Una alimentación sana es muy importante para su crecimiento, moderando los dulces dado que eliminar azúcar por completo hace daño, por ello es recomendable de a poquito ni demasiado ni muy poco ya que el cuerpo siempre va a requirir azúcar.
Excelente post ✨ saludos