nugBlog #10: Oct 15, 2024

in Motherhood7 days ago

NugBlog 10 Oct15-24.png

Little Nug,

You were born in the autumn, and autumn has returned. The trees are changing colour and it is the first time you get to experience it. Soon you will have your first birthday too.

Last time I wrote I predicted you would have taken your first step, but that has not quite happened yet. You seem happy to crawl and pull yourself up on stuff (a lot). People call this “cruising.” You’re cruising up a storm, so much so that Mom and Dad have now put up a gate around your play area to keep you safe. You are not always happy with that, but it means we can get things done without worrying about stepping on you.

You’re eating lots of foods: prunes, pears, berries, eggs, avocado, yogurt, sweet potato, chicken, turkey, toast, peppers, and more.

You’re getting lots of good sleep, but we think you soon will only need one nap per day.

You’re outgrowing clothes fast, you’re babbling a lot, pointing a lot, and loving life with a lot of curiosity and charm.

Oh: and swimming lessons have started again. This time you’re the big kid in the class. And we dunked you under the water (full face and head!) for the first time and you did great. Mom and Dad are proud of you.

We have an exciting adventure planned soon too… next blog will tell that tale I’m sure.


This series of blogs is to catalog the memories, milestones, and reflections of parenthood. Perhaps one day you (the Nug) will be curious to read them! In the meantime, they’re a nice way for Dad to process this whole parenting thing. He’s a writer, so putting words out into the world is relaxing, therapeutic, and fun.

See all the nugBlogs here.

Images created with a Canva Pro License. Photography is my own.