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RE: Amanda: Granadero [ESP-ENG]

in Motherhood5 months ago

a nice post, didn't read much about the process of argentina independence nor about general SAN MARTIN before & -now i'll read about it for sure. children like to see with their eyes & participate with their hands that's why if the teacher of any subject just read the book & tell the children to just memorize the lessons without good explanation- they will feel bored & they will even hate the subject, that's applied not only on history but also geography, science & everything else, so definitely a nice activity & obviously they are enjoying it, also playing violin was a nice idea, & yes i agree children usually like to see their parents watching these activities & encouraging them to do their best & clap on their performance. "i see that some children wear the military uniform while others don't- was the uniform part optional ?" finally again a nice post, well done & have a nice day

 5 months ago  

Yo tampoco sabía de este prócer, desde que vivo en Argentina es mi responsabilidad estudiar para ayudar también a mi hija.
Todo contenido se relaciona con otras, por ello, la publicación, no menciono la geografía como tal pero menciono la Cordillera, sería extenderme y perder el objetivo del post; no obstante, este tipo de comentarios me encanta porque la posibilidad amplia de la interacción y cubrir detalles como el uniforme.
Te cuento que hay 2 colores, uno rojo qué usa mi hija, lo usaron los españoles y el azul los argentinos; ahora los chicos grandes que están en el fondo son niños de la orqueta y acompañan a los pequeños en el acto.
Saludos y feliz pr tu presenciaHola, @jackjackson2nd