If you have no memories then yesterday never happened and you can start all over again.
Therefore... If memories is all you have then you can't get on with tomorrow.
Tomorrow will never happen because yesterday is still today.
Have you ever stopped to think what happens when your children grow up and leave home? Perhaps your dreams are that they'll live close by, bless you with grandchildren and visit more than once a week.
As it happens with my children (all 5 of them) they live far far away and travelling 1000's of kilometres is now the norm. If I didn't travel I wouldn't see them as often or maybe not at all. Some people are stuck in the past because they live with their memories and their stories from the past. They can't get on with the future because they can't forget their memories. If I remained in the past my future would be bleak. What I am trying to say (I think) is just because my children have left home it doesn't mean my motherhood has come to a crashing stop.
Motherhood is the most natural and beautiful part of your life yet this too comes to an end at some point. Often after motherhood comes the grandparents part of our lives or even great-grandparents. It can be scary for mothers (and fathers) to realise that after the children grow up and leave home life can become uncertain. Will my children come and see me, will they remember and appreciate what I did for so many years, and will they still love me!
There are to many lonely oldies out there who have dedicated their entire lives to their offspring and yet here they are... sitting alone, left with memories. So.... Remember the oldies as one day you'll be standing in their shoes or sitting in their chair.
In the meantime... embrace motherhood, enjoy every day, and take life as it comes. Everything happens for a reason! Don't get stuck in the past. Memories are great but look beyond your memories and continue living for the future. Obstacles are learning curbs and you'll cross that bridge when it comes.
Look what I found !... A gorgeous handmade wooden bridge in Caversham Wildlife Park, Perth, Western Australia.
Photos and written work is my own.