Exclusive breastfeeding: The first six-months

in Motherhood2 months ago (edited)

Hello, everyone! Welcome to my blog.
Today, I want to share a bit about my experience with exclusive breastfeeding and solid meals introduction as a first-time mom. I’ve learned that every mother’s lactation journey is unique; some begin lactating a few days before giving birth, others right after delivery, and some only after days or even weeks.

For me, lactation didn’t happen immediately after giving birth. It took less than 48 hours, but I had some help. A popular remedy in Nigeria, hot sugarless pap came to my rescue. During those initial hours, my baby didn’t consume anything because I was determined to exclusively breastfeed him. I had heard so much about the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding, and I wanted to give my baby that gift. How hard could it be?

Well, exclusive breastfeeding turned out to be one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. It’s a demanding sacrifice, one that mothers make for the well-being of their children. There were moments when I felt like giving up. Sleepless nights, constant crying, cracked nipples, back pain coupled with the overwhelming emotions of being a first-time mom made it feel almost impossible. But I reminded myself daily that this was for my child, not for me. With that mindset, I pushed through and made it to the six-month milestone.

Introducing Solids

When the time came to introduce solids, it was another learning curve. My little one, “K Boy,” was a breast milk enthusiast. He refused to drink milk from a feeder, even when I expressed it. He only wanted to nurse directly.


I started with NAN formula, but K Boy wouldn’t let it pass his throat. No matter what method I tried, he rejected it outright. Thinking it might be the sweetness, I switched to MY BOY milk, but that didn’t work either. It was frustrating because breast milk no longer satisfied him, and I was desperate to find a solution.


One day, a friend suggested trying Nutribom. She praised its nutritional value and variety of flavors, which include grains and fruits. I decided to give the multi-grain flavor a shot, mixing it with MY BOY milk. To my amazement, K Boy ate it happily! I was relieved and thrilled.

Encouraged by this success, I thought, “If he loves multi-grains, maybe he’ll enjoy pap too.” I decided to prepare it myself to ensure it was clean and nutritious, avoiding store-bought options of uncertain quality.

How I Made Raw Pap(Corn and Millet) at Home

Here’s how I made raw pap step by step:



I carefully picked corn and red millet, removing stones and dirt.

I washed the corn three times, ensuring it was completely clean. Then I soaked the corn in clean water for two nights. On the third night, I added the washed red millet to the soaking corn and left them together for another night.




On the fourth day, I washed the grains thoroughly until the water ran clear (this took about five washes). I then took them to a grinding mill. To maintain hygiene, I brought my own water for washing the machine and ensured it was properly cleaned before grinding.



After grinding, I began the sieving process immediately. This step was the most time consuming and exhausting, but I managed to finish within two hours. I let the sieved mixture rest for less than 24 hours to allow the raw pap to settle.


Once settled, I gently poured out the water above the raw pap, transferred the paste into a pap sack, and tied it up to let the remaining water drain out. The final result was a solid form of raw pap, which I refrigerated for preservation.



K Boy’s Reaction to Pap

When it was time to introduce the pap, I prepared it with hot water, cooking it further to ensure it was safe for consumption. I added a spoonful of MY BOY milk for flavor.


To my delight, K Boy loved it! He finished his portion happily, leaving me relieved and excited. It was such a rewarding moment to see him enjoy something I had worked so hard to prepare.



Preparing food for my little one has been a journey of discovery and determination. While it’s not always easy, every effort feels worthwhile when I see him thriving and happy. For all the moms out there navigating breastfeeding, weaning, or both you’re doing an amazing job. Stay strong and keep going!

Note: The quantity of maize and millets depends on how you want it but because it's my fist time I made three majors of millet to one major of corn.

All images a mine.

Thank you for stopping by 💕


I've never seen a more detailed explanation of the steps to make pap. I'm definitely going to give it a try and hope it comes out fine.
Good job Mama! 👍

Thank you!