Avanzemos , progresemos y liberemos nuestras mentes de traumas y estigmas del pasado .
Let us move forward, progress and free our minds from the traumas and stigmas of the past.
Esta publicación podria convertirse facilmente en una catarsis , debido a tantas anecdotas que contar , en la cual creo que era una victima , pero hare lo posible por ser mas lo mas enfocada en cuanto al tema y aunque obviamente existen anecdotas, tambien hay grandes aprendizajes .
This publication could easily become a catharsis, due to so many anecdotes to tell, in which I believe I was a victim, but I will do my best to be as focused as possible on the subject and although there are obviously anecdotes, there are also great lessons to be learned.
Hace dias estabamos reunidos un grupo de amigos , la mayoria contemporaneos de edad , de esos de la epoca de los mediados de los años 80 y en medio de todo el compartir empezamos a contar experiencias de nuestra adolescencia , travesuras que haciamos , y llego un punto en el que se convirtio la reunion en una terapia de grupo , porque todos comenzaron a hablar de las palizas que recibian de sus papas , hablo de cosas fuertes con toda clase de objetos que se pudieran imaginar , y la verdad todo esto nos sirvio muchisimo para ver como eran las cosas antes .
A few days ago we were a group of friends, most of them contemporaries in age, from the mid 80's and in the middle of all the sharing we started to tell experiences of our adolescence, pranks we did, and there came a point where the meeting became a group therapy, because everyone began to talk about the beatings they received from their parents, talking about strong things with all kinds of objects that you could imagine, and the truth all this helped us a lot to see how things were before.
Es que la mayoria de nuestros padres fueron criados de esa manera y hasta peor , porque al escuchar las anecdotas de ellos pareciera que hubieran estado tratando de dominar a un esclavo o un animal , y suena duro esas palabras , pero la verdad siempre sera la verdad , creo que en los tiempos de antes el castigo fisico impuesto era algo salvaje , algo que se excedia de la palabra educacion , y por alguna razón se pensaba que asi y solo asi , era la manera mas adecuada de corregir las malas de conductas de un niño y de forjar hombres de bien .
It is that most of our parents were raised that way and even worse, because to hear the anecdotes of them seem to have been trying to dominate a slave or an animal, and it sounds hard those words, but the truth will always be the truth, I think that in the old days the physical punishment imposed was something wild, something that exceeded the word education, and for some reason it was thought that so and only so, was the most appropriate way to correct the bad behavior of a child and to forge good men.
Cuanto error /How wrong ......
Con esto no quiero , disminuir ningun esfuerzo que se haya podido hacer por el bienestar de los hijos , sino todo lo contrario , no se si es por desinformacion , porque si a la verdad vamos, estamos en otra era , mucho mas avanzada ... Mas bien de alguna manera trato de justificar el hecho de que tal vez actuaron de esa manera porque creian que era lo correcto y porque en ese entonces no habia tanta educación a la mano de los padres para poder guiar a sus hijos .
With this I do not want to diminish any effort that could have been made for the welfare of children, but on the contrary, I do not know if it is due to misinformation, because if the truth be told, we are in another era, much more advanced ... I am trying to justify the fact that maybe they acted that way because they believed it was the right thing to do and because at that time there was not so much education available for parents to guide their children.
Hoy en dia hay tantos temas que estan a la orden del dia , para que cualquier padre que tenga una duda , pueda acudir a internet y aclararla y ayudarlo , pero antes eso no existia , y de alguna manera los padres de hoy en dia han comenzado a entender que las cosas son distintas .
Today there are so many topics that are the order of the day, so that any parent who has a question, can go to the internet and clarify it and help him, but before that did not exist, and somehow parents today have begun to understand that things are different.
Muchas veces he escuchado de que soy un hombre o mujer de bien , porque mis padres me dieron una paliza porque me la merecia , es alli donde veo que muchos buenos adultos hoy en dia son infelices porque se acostumbraron a que se le impusieran cosas , a que les cuesta decidir porque sus padres nunca lo dejaron hacer por ellos , a que les va mal en el amor porque mal entendieron que las palizas pueden ser por amor , o que son inestables emocionalmente o no tienen buenas relaciones con su familia porque hay rabia, rencor detrás , o que simplemente se deprimen porque hay un cumulo de sentimientos retenidos o que somatizan las emociones a traves enfermedades fisicas y asi un sin fin de secuelas .
Many times I have heard that I am a good man or woman, because my parents gave me a beating because I deserved it, that is where I see that many good adults today are unhappy because they got used to having things imposed on them, that it is hard for them to decide because their parents never let them do it for them, that they are doing badly in love because they misunderstood that beatings can be for love, or that they are emotionally unstable or do not have good relationships with their family because there is anger, resentment behind it, or that they are simply emotionally unstable, They are emotionally unstable or do not have good relationships with their family because there is anger, resentment behind, or they simply get depressed because there is an accumulation of retained feelings or they somatize emotions through physical illnesses and so an endless list of sequels.
Evolucionamos/We evolve......
En la actualidad con todo el avance tecnologico que disponemos podemos buscar de una manera sencilla , estrategias pedagogicas para ayudar a nuestros niños , tambien soy de las que confia mucho en la intuicion . .
Con esto no digo que un niño que actua mal , no debe ser castigado , claro que si , debe sentir responsabilidad de sus actos , y hay acciones que pueden penetrar su corazon y motivarlos a cambiar .
Nowadays, with all the technological advances that we have, we can search in a simple way, pedagogical strategies to help our children, and I am also one of those who trusts a lot in intuition.
With this I am not saying that a child who acts badly should not be punished, of course he should, he should feel responsible for his actions, and there are actions that can penetrate his heart and motivate him to change.
A veces tambien queremos ver acciones inmediatas , que nuestros hijos se porten bien de una manera instantanea, resulta que no ocurre asi , es solo la constancia y la disciplina que puede formar habitos que perduraran en su vida .
Nuestros hijos necesitan sentir en todo momento que lo que hacemos por ellos es por amor .
Sometimes we also want to see immediate actions, that our children behave well in an instantaneous way, it turns out that it does not happen that way, it is only the constancy and discipline that can form habits that will last in their lives.
Our children need to feel at all times that what we do for them is out of love.
Una de las cosas que hago con mi hijo , luego que se porta mal y lo castigo por alguna razon , es que luego converso con el , eso nos a ayudado muchisimo , porque aun a su corta edad va entendiendo que espero de el , una vez un psiquiatra infantil me dijo , si tu quieres criar a un hijo rebelde , de esos que son una bomba de tiempo y explotan en algun momento , pegale , pero si quieres que tu hijo se convierta en alguien que actue porque entiende y no por miedo , hablale . Mi hijo alli tenia solo 1 año pero desde ese momento confirme con claridad que la via no era el maltrato fisico .
One of the things I do with my son, after he misbehaves and I punish him for some reason, is that I talk to him, that has helped us a lot, because even at his young age he understands what I expect from him, once a child psychiatrist told me, if you want to raise a rebellious child, one of those who are a time bomb and explode at some point, hit him, but if you want your child to become someone who acts because he understands and not out of fear, talk to him. My son there was only 1 year old but from that moment on I clearly confirmed that physical abuse was not the way to go.
Puede ser que muchos de nosotros hayamos vivido situaciones que hayan sido dificiles , pero somos los unicos que decidimos si nos estancamos y seguimos repitiendo viejos patrones o si aprendemos y evolucionamos .
It may be that many of us have lived through situations that have been difficult, but we are the ones who decide if we stagnate and continue repeating old patterns or if we learn and evolve.
Gracias por tu tiempo en leer esta publicacion , espero te haya gustado y que me des tu opinion acerca del tema .
Thank you for your time in reading this publication, I hope you liked it and I hope you give me your opinion about it.
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