Mi hermano christiano es autista y se le diagnostico esa condicion muy tarde , ya a edad de 21 años , hubo una serie de patrones de conductas muy distintos en el y luego de ir a muchos especialistas se le determino que tenia esa condicioon , el toma medicamentos y es la verdad hay días buenos , hay días malos y otros que a veces no pueden contarse como dias ni siquiera porque son muy pero muy difíciles .Desde ese cambio tan radical en su vida , nos costado mucho lograr que sea independiente enmuchas cosas por que la verdad casi siempre esta en su mundo y tratamos de entenderlo ,pero también tratamos de ayudarlo a que pueda desenvolverse solo en algunas cosas , por lo menos el a veces va al polideportivo de la ciudad de y participa en una clase de atletismo y la verdad drena mucha energía cuando lo hace y siento que eso lo ayuda mucho .
My brother Christian is autistic and was diagnosed with this condition very late, already at the age of 21, there was a series of very different patterns of behavior in him and after going to many specialists it was determined that he had this condition, he takes medication and the truth is that there are good days, there are bad days and others that sometimes can not even be counted as days because they are very, very difficult. Since that radical change in his life, we have had a hard time getting him to be independent in many things because the truth is that he is almost always in his own world and we try to understand him, but we also try to help him to be able to do some things on his own, at least sometimes he goes to the sports center of the city and participates in an athletics class and the truth is that he drains a lot of energy when he does it and I feel that this helps him a lot.
También el es músico y en espescifico violinista y la verdad es muy bueno , antes que se le determinara autismo, el recorrio el mundo con la mejor orquesta de Venezuela , tocando en los mejores salones , y eso para nosotros es un orgullo , porque mas alla de su talento y de las dificultades que puede tener en este momento conocemos el gran ser humano que tenemos en nuestra familia , aunque a veces en medio de todas estas dificultades a veces no lo reconozcamos .El lleva a un tratamiento indicado por su psiquiatra , y hemos tratado de trabajar en su independencia , la semana pasada el nos dijo que iba a buscar empleo, en una pequeña orquesta de la ciudad , algo que para nosotros nos genero un poco de incertidumbre porque no sabemos como va a ser la interraccion social o si se va a sentir bien , pero como fue tan insistente lo dejamos ir , el si había salido algunas veces y regresado a la casa sin problema pero esta vez no lo hizo .
He is also a musician and a violinist and the truth is very good, before he was diagnosed with autism he toured the world with the best orchestra in Venezuela, playing in the best halls, and that for us is a pride, because beyond his talent and the difficulties he may have at this time we know the great human being we have in our family, although sometimes in the midst of all these difficulties sometimes we do not recognize it. He is undergoing a treatment indicated by his psychiatrist, and we have tried to work on his independence, last week he told us that he was going to look for a job in a small orchestra in the city, something that generated a little uncertainty for us because we do not know how the social interruption will be or if he will feel well, but as he was so insistent we let him go, he had gone out a few times and returned to the house without a problem but this time he did not.
Y asi fueron pasando las horas y mi hermano no llegaba a casa y la verdad era algo inquietante para nosotros se hizo de noche y no tuvimos otra opción que ir a buscarlo , recorrimos todas las calles y avenidas de la ciudad y fue muy difícil , en esa búsqueda salimos mi mama, mi esposo, mi hijo y yo y la verdad fue algo sumamente .estresante. .
And so the hours went by and my brother did not come home and the truth was something disturbing for us, it became night and we had no choice but to go looking for him, we went through all the streets and avenues of the city and it was very difficult, in that search my mother, my husband, my son and I went out and the truth was something extremely stressful.
En todo el camno mi hijo iba sumamente pendiente de encontrar a su tio , porque la verdad le preocupaba ver que su abuela estuviera preocupada y recuerdo que en un momento de la busqueda el se durmio y apenas se pudo despertar lo primero que hizo fue preguntar por su tio . Mi hermano estuvo desaparecido casi un dia completo y fueron momentos sumamentes angustiantes , pero gracias a Dios , el aparecio , luego de todo eso lo mas dificil fue explicarle a mi hijo porque su tio actuaba asi .
Throughout the whole journey my son was very concerned about finding his uncle, because he was worried that his grandmother was worried and I remember that at one point during the search he fell asleep and as soon as he woke up the first thing he did was ask for his uncle. My brother was missing for almost a whole day and those were extremely distressing moments, but thank God, he appeared, after all that the hardest thing was to explain to my son why his uncle acted like that.
La verdad comenze la conversacion preguntandole que pensaba de su tio y su comportamiento y el lo que me pudo decir era que su tio a veces se portaba mal y no le hacia caso a la abuela, por que el no debe salir sin que la abuela sepa .
I started the conversation by asking him what he thought of his uncle and his behavior and what he could tell me was that his uncle sometimes misbehaved and did not pay attention to his grandmother, because he should not go out without his grandmother knowing.
Luego de escucharlo darme su opinion le explique que su tio era un poco diferente a los demas adultos que a pesar que tenia el tamaño de una persona grande , Pensaba como un niño , y que nosotros debemos estar pendientes de el y ayudarlo , que a veces le costaba hacer algunas cosas por si mismo , pero que poco a poco el va a aprender a hacerlas , que debe entender que a su tio no le gustan los sonidos estruendosos , ni estar con muchas personas que para el eso es dificil , tampoco le gusta el desorden , por eso no debe tener sus juguetes tirados , que eso altera a su tio y lo pone de mal humor . la verdad es un poco dificil darle muchos detalles a los niños , pero los niños son muy perceptivos . Ellos a pesar de su inocencia , saben quien necesita de ellos , y entienden el corazon de las personas .
After listening to him give me his opinion I explained to him that his uncle was a little different from other adults, that even though he was the size of a big person, he thought like a child, and that we should be aware of him and help him, that sometimes it was hard for him to do some things by himself, but that little by little he will learn to do them, He should understand that sutio doesn't like loud noises, nor to be with many people that is difficult for him, he doesn't like disorder, that's why he shouldn't have his toys lying around, that it upsets his uncle and puts him in a bad mood. The truth is a little difficult to give a lot of details to children, but children are very perceptive. Despite their innocence, they know who needs them, and they understand people's hearts.
Tambien le explique un poco de manera muy sencilla la diferencia entre una condicion y una discapacidad , con el ejemplo de un niño que vive cerca de la casa y esta en una silla de rueda , el es una persona discapacitada , porque no puede mover sus piernas y eso lo limita en hacer muchas cosas , en cambio su tio no esta enfermo como dicen algunas personas , sino que ve la vida de una manera distinta , que el puede hacer lo mismo que nosotros solo que tomara su propio tiempo para hacerlo .
I also explained in a very simple way the difference between a condition and a disability, with the example of a child who lives near the house and is in a wheelchair, he is a disabled person, because he can not move his legs and that limits him in doing many things, instead his uncle is not sick as some people say, but he sees life in a different way, he can do the same as us only that he will take his own time to do it.
la verdad nunca he sido de explicarle al mundo el autismo de mi hermano , porque creo que el mundo no necesita mucha explicacion para darse cuenta que hay algo distinto , y que deberia ser algo normal , ver personas con condiciones de vida distintas , pero en el caso de los niños si hay que explicarles porque su corazon es inocente y pueden llegar a pensar que hay ciertas acciones que estan bien o pueden llegar a querer imitar comportamientos , entonces es alli donde debemos hablar con ellos .
The truth is that I have never been one to explain my brother's autism to the world, because I believe that the world does not need much explanation to realize that there is something different, and that it should be something normal, to see people with different living conditions, but in the case of children it is necessary to explain to them because their heart is innocent and they may think that there are certain actions that are right or they may want to imitate behaviors, so that is where we should talk to them.
En un mundo tan complicado nuestros hijos deben entender que deben estar dispuestos a ayudar a los que mas lo necesitan , que todos somos diferentes , pero que podemos aprender de cada uno , que en las diferencias esta el aprendizaje , y que si enseñamos valores como la tolerancia , el respeto y la colaboracion , estaremos cooperando a un mundo mas hermoso , por la calidad de su gente .
In such a complicated world our children must understand that they must be willing to help those who need it most, that we are all different, but that we can learn from each other, that in the differences is learning, and that if we teach values such as tolerance, respect and collaboration, we will be cooperating to a more beautiful world, for the quality of its people.
Gracias por tu tiempo en leer esta publicacion , espero la hayas disfrutado .
Thank you for your time in reading this publication, I hope you enjoyed it.
Todas las fotos son de mi autoria
banner realizado con Canva
Traduccion realizada con Deep. Translator
All the pictures are of my authorship
banner made with Canva
Translation made with Deep. Translator
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@arcange oh how special, thank you very much for your kind congratulations, I really feel very happy to belong to this great hive to learn from such dedicated people, sincerely thank you very much for the support.
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