Family walk "Creating new experiences "

in Motherhood3 years ago (edited)

Hola mis queridos amigos de #motherhood, esta semana a sido muy complicado poder conectarme con regularidad por todos los desafios que conlleva el internet en Venezuela , y aunque todavia estamos tratando de solucionar, estoy haciendo todo lo posible para no estar tanto tiempo fuera de la plataforma , eso me deprime un poco porque me gusta ser constante en todo lo que hago , pero bueno a veces hay situaciones que salen de nuestro control y lo unico que tenemos que hacer es adaptarnos a lo que viene y tratar de disfrutar el trayecto .



Hello my dear friends of motherhood, this week has been very complicated to be able to connect regularly because of all the challenges that involves the internet in Venezuela, and although we are still trying to solve, I am doing everything possible to not be so long off the platform, that depresses me a little because I like to be consistent in everything I do, but well sometimes there are situations that are beyond our control and the only thing we have to do is adapt to what comes and try to enjoy the journey.


Justamente de eso queria hablarles, de tratar de disfrutar el trayecto , porque en medio de todas las muchas tareas que tenemos , podemos llegar a saturarnos , y olvidarnos de disfrutar de lo que nos ofrece la vida . El fin de semana pasado , estuvimos bastante ajetreados porque teniamos muchas cosas que hacer , mi hijo tenia dos eventos deportivos , tenia que estar en casa para lavar , limpiar , cocinar y ademas ayudar a mi mama que se fracturo un brazo , y tambien tenia que preparar un discurso que tenia en la iglesia para el domingo , asi que tenia una larga lista de cosas por hacer y sí la verdad es que las mujeres podemos con todo eso , pero a mi me pasa que yo hago todo un cronograma en mi cabeza , de todas las cosas que tengo por hacer , para ir haciendo una o dos cosas a la vez y asi aprovechar el tiempo (eso es algo muy de mamás).

Asi que esa mañana desde las 7 am teniamos un desfile por el aniversario de criollitos de Venezuela , para todos los niños que pertenecen al equipo de beisbol en el que esta mi hijo , y mi plan era regresar a casa para cocinar y hacer todas las tareas que tenia pendientes en el menor tiempo , asi que cuando termino el desfile , ya iba pensando lo que llegaria a hacer


That's exactly what I wanted to talk about, to try to enjoy the journey, because in the midst of all the many tasks we have, we can become saturated, and forget to enjoy what life offers us. Last weekend, we were quite busy because we had a lot of things to do, my son had two sporting events, I had to be at home to wash, clean, cook and also help my mom who broke her arm, and I also had to prepare a speech I had to give at church for Sunday, So I had a long list of things to do and yes the truth is that we women can do all that, but it happens to me that I make like a schedule in my head of all the things I have to do, to do one or two things at a time and so take advantage of the time (that's something very mommy).

So that morning from 7 am we had a parade for the anniversary of criollitos de venezuela, for all the children who belong to the baseball team in which my son is, and my plan was to return home to cook and do all the tasks I had pending in the shortest time, so when the parade was over, I was already thinking what I would get to do.



De repente cuando subimos al carro , mi hijo muy animado dijo , hoy es sabado y podemos ir al parque

y dentro de mi cabeza solo escuchaba como resonaba la palabra Nooooooo...

porque era desajustarme todo el cronograma , a lo que mi esposo sin pensarlo dos veces , le dijo que sí seria una excelente idea , obviamente debati para tratar de convencerlos que no , pero bueno alli estaba yo en el parque .

Suddenly when we got in the car, my son said very animatedly, today is Saturday and we can go to the park.

and inside my head I could only hear the word "Noooooooo..." echoing.

because it was to disarrange the whole schedule, to which my husband without thinking twice, said that yes it would be an excellent idea, obviously I argued to try to convince them that no, but well there I was in the park.



Al llegar la verdad estaba un poco renuente , porque solo pensaba en como me tendria que organizar con todo lo que tenia que hacer , y le comente a mi esposo y me dijo que estuviera tranquila que entre los dos , haremos todo rapido cuando lleguemos , asi que eso me dio un poco de animo para poder disfrutar este paseo improvisado .

La verdad teniamos mucho tiempo que no ibamos al parque juntos en familia , creo que desde comienzos de la pandemia no lo haciamos , porque consideramos que lo mejor era estar en casa para evitar cualquier tipo de contagio , pero a pesar que la pandemia sigue muchas cosas se han ido normalizando la gente poco a poco se esta adaptando a su rutina de vida normal .

Tambien en el pais habia muchos problemas con la gasolina y sobretodo en el estado donde estoy , y eso impedia que la gente pudiera salir con normalidad de sus casas por el mismo problema del transporte , pero ese sabado , la verdad me sorpendi al ver a tantas personas en el parque disfrutando en familia , la verdad me dio una alegria en el corazon , porque senti de que poco a poco todo en el algún momento va a volver a la normalidad .


When we arrived the truth was a little reluctant, because I only thought about how I would have to organize everything I had to do, and I heard my husband and gave me calm that between the two of us, we will do everything quickly when we arrive, so that gave me a little encouragement to enjoy this impromptu walk.

The truth is that we had not been going to the park for a long time just as a family, I think that since the beginning of the pandemic we did not do it, because we considered that it was best to be at home to avoid any kind of contagion, but although the pandemic continues many things have been normalizing people are gradually adapting to their normal life routine.

Also in the country there were many problems with gasoline and especially in the state where I am , and that prevented people could leave their homes normally by the same problem of transportation , but that Saturday , the truth I was surprised to see so many people in the park enjoying with family , the truth gave me a joy in my heart , because I felt that little by little everything at some point will return to normal .




Ese dia mi hijo estaba muy emocionado , viendo a los animalitos del parque , estuvimos dandole de comer a los chivos , y el nunca habia hecho eso antes , al principio tenia un poco de miedo , pero despues se emociono al ver que no le harian nada , asi que buscaba hojas para darle de comer.

Tambien le llamo mucho la atencion un cocodrilo que esta en el parque , casualmente estaba la persona encargada de limpiar la jaula dentro de ella, y como el hombre vio mucha gente alrededor comenzo a tocar al cocodrilo para que se moviera y la verdad nos asustamos un poco , pero el nos explico que ya lo habia hecho antes , asi que no le daba miedo .

Recorrimos todo el parque disfrutando el paisaje y mi hijo corria de aqui para alla, y la verdad nos sentimos felices de poder hacerlo , terminamos nuestro paseo dandole de comer a unas tortugas marinas enormes , khael mi hijo tenia en la mano unas cotufas y al parecer no le importo lanzarle las cotufas a las tortugas.


That day my son was very excited, watching the animals in the park, we were feeding the goats, and he had never done that before, at first he was a little scared, but then he was excited to see that they would not do anything to him, so he was looking for leaves to feed him.

He was also very interested in a crocodile that is in the park, by chance the person in charge of cleaning the cage was inside it, and as the man saw many people around he started to touch the crocodile to make it move and we were a little scared, but he explained that he had already done it before, so he was not afraid of it.

We walked around the park enjoying the scenery and my son was running back and forth, and the truth is we were happy to be able to do it, we finished our walk feeding some huge sea turtles, khael my son had in his hand a few cotufas and apparently he didn't mind throwing the cotufas to the turtles.






Ese dia a pesar que no teniamos planificado salir y tener ese lindo dia de parque , la verdad era necesario para nosotros, realmente a veces tenemos que estar dispuestos a tener momentos improvisados , de esos que no te esperas pero que hacen que la vida sea mas alegre , que te permiten centrarte en lo que realmente es importante , las sonrisas y los momentos de valor en familia .


That day although we had not planned to go out and have that nice park day, the truth was necessary for us, sometimes we really have to be willing to have improvised moments, those that you do not expect but that make life more joyful, that allow you to focus on what is really important, the smiles and moments of value in family.


Muchas gracias por tu tiempo en leer esta publicación , espero la hayas disfrutado y te motive a tomar el lado positivo de la vida.

Thank you very much for your time in reading this publication, I hope you enjoyed it and that it motivates you to take the positive side of life.

separador venezuela .png

Todas las fotos son de mi autoria
Banner realizado con canva
Traduccion por Deep.Translator
Separador de mi autoria realizado en microsoft office power point

All photos are my own
Banner made with canva
Translation by Deep.Translator
Separator of my authorship made in microsoft office power point
