My son is on his way to first grade

in Motherhood4 years ago


Mi hijo va rumbo al primer grado

Como ya algún amigo que me han podido leer una de mis metas es que mis hijos, le tengan amor a los estudios, HOY he podido avanzar en uno de mis mayores logro Erick paso a primer grado, esto para mí es algo que me alegra con locura.

Cuando Erick apenas tenía dos años, lo inscribí en un simoncito en Venezuela esto es como una guardería, pero es manejada por el gobierno, hay trabajaba la cuñada de mi esposo y fue fácil conseguir cupo, desde esa edad él fue aprendiendo las vocales, a cantar el Himno, a formarse en fila, canciones, etc.


Cuando cumplió sus cuatro años fue promovido al preescolar, como tenía esa edad lo dejaron en segundo nivel, en Venezuela comienza el año escolar en el mes de septiembre y él cumplía sus cinco años en enero, por eso a él lo dejan en segundo nivel, cuando fui a inscribirlo investigue de como asía para que no lo agarra los seis años en el preescolar, la directora del plantel me dijo que hay una ley que si el niño está preparado y cumple año en el primer mes del año siguiente puede ser promovido, eso me motivo a inscribirlo en unas tareas dirigidas, ya que por motivos de pandemias no asistiría a la escuela físicamente.

Él empezó algo pila porque en la guardería le enseñaron mucho, pero venía lo bueno que para mí fue de provecho, ya que pude aprenderme el abecedario, la lista principal para poder pasar a primer grado era: saberse los números del 1 al 50, escribir legible, sumar, restar, copiar de la pizarra, saberse el abecedario y reconocer las letras.


Tuve muchos días pendiente de llegar a esta meta, cuando la maestra me llamo me dijo Erick si va a pasar para primer grado, fue algo que no lo podía creer, sé que queda mucho camino que recorrer pero los primeros pasos para mi son importante, ya que eso lo ayudara a él a poder tener más soltura en sus estudios y seguridad en el mismo.


My son is on his way to first grade

As a friend who has already been able to read me, one of my goals is that my children have a love of studies, TODAY I have been able to advance in one of my greatest achievements Erick went to first grade, this for me is something that makes me happy with craziness.

When Erick was barely two years old, I enrolled him in a simoncito in Venezuela, this is like a nursery, but it is run by the government, my husband's sister-in-law worked and it was easy to get a place, from that age he was learning the vowels, to sing the hymn, line up, songs, etc.


When he was four years old he was promoted to preschool, as he was that age they left him in second level, in Venezuela the school year begins in September and he turns five in January, that's why they leave him in second level, When I went to register him, I investigated how he would not catch him at six years of preschool, the director of the campus told me that there is a law that if the child is ready and turns a year in the first month of the following year, he can be promoted, That motivated me to enroll him in directed tasks, since due to pandemics he would not physically attend school.

He started something pile because in kindergarten they taught him a lot, but the good thing came that it was of benefit for me, since I was able to learn the alphabet, the main list to be able to pass to first grade was: know the numbers from 1 to 50, write legibly, add, subtract, copy from the board, know the alphabet and recognize letters.


I had many days pending to reach this goal, when the teacher called me Erick told me if he is going to pass to first grade, it was something that I could not believe, I know there is a long way to go but the first steps are important for me, since that will help him to be able to have more fluency in his studies and security in it.


Amigos bellos gracias por leerme espero mi experiencia te sea de provecho te invito a dejarme en los comentarios alguna experiencia escolar de tus hijos.

Beautiful friends, thank you for reading, I hope my experience is helpful to you, I invite you to leave me in the comments some school experiences of your children.

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Happy weekend friend, there is no problem when I receive the reward, they will teach me to make that deposit without any problem. I wish you the best of blessings and that you continue to support many more people who have original content.

It got downvoted so it's okay. :)

I guess it's her luck... Maybe you should let it go for the little boy

¡Felicidades para tu hijo! Para una madre es un orgullo ver como nuestros hijos empiezan formadonse y ir alcanzando poco a poco las metas y hacer de ellos unas personas con valores y cultas, que bueno de tu parte que no solo te quedaste con lo que dijo la directora sino que tuviste esa iniciativa para el niño aprendiera mas y así poder pasar de grado, este es el primer paso de muchos...

Amiga qué bello tu bebé. Qué emoción que ya va a primer grado. De seguro, sientes una alegría indescriptible, y tranquila ya verás que lograrás alcanzar tus metas de que tus niños amen los estudios. Felicitacioooneeeesssss 😄
Un abrazo gigante para ambos..

Mil felicidades amiga, hermoso tu hijo, esta meta es la primera de las muchas que alcanzaras al lado de tu hijo excelente posh.

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I invite you to leave me in the comments some school experiences of your children.

I do not have children, but I write down the experience of me and my friends.

The exam period is a dreaded period for many students.

Students are longing more and more to be in nature, near water, where we they can refresh themselves, talk to friends and have fun.

The path to finding a successful examination period is not an easy one, as it is made up of many components, the main one, in my opinion, is a question of motivation and attitude, which is mostly, of course, a matter of the mind. But why not combine the two, fun with friends and preparation for exams at the same time? I know, it may seem like a surprising pairing at first, but let us think about the possible options.

We may simply not be able to concentrate one hundred percent on something, because we need a change of scenery, because we have been sitting in our dorm or room all year, studying within the safety of our four walls, but we are getting tired of the monotony. It is good to go for a walk to a nearby park or grove, and find a quiet, isolated environment, perhaps a shady tree, that can serve as a friend and a reassuring companion during this difficult period. We can take refreshing drinks with us, which will refresh us during the summer. Instead of coffee, make fruit smoothies and energising green teas for a healthier and more nutritious drink that our bodies and brains will thank us for. We do do not have to forget the pleasures of socialising either, and we can make the most of our peers' knowledge and our own skills by organising afternoon exam preparation marathons. After successful exams, it will be even better to celebrate our achievements together.

All in all, study and exams are often difficult and stressful for students. It is important to find a balance between studying, preparing and relaxing.

It is the truth when you study you have to achieve a balance so that everything flows with nature, we must love studies so that they are not an obligation if it is not a new sense of living, without leading to obsession.

Que buen aporte y te felicitó por qué quieres que tus hijos estudien y creo que es la mejor herencia que les podemos dejar, el dinero se acaba pero la sabiduría perdura para siempre

Así es amiga los hijos algún dio se irán de casa y hay que darle la mejor de las educación para que triunfen en la vida.

 4 years ago  

Hola que Hermosa tu historia, felicitaciones para tu príncipe Dios lo bendiga

Nuestros hijos siempre serán nuestro orgullo, que bonita etapa va a comenzar, le deseo éxito en su nuevo camino escolar. Saludos