Future of your Children

in Motherhoodlast year


As a parent of a 4-year-old daughter, I am slowly beginning to think about who my daughter will become in the future and whether to guide her on some path. As you know, time flies fast, these 4 years have passed like a snap of fingers. Unfortunately, the time after 18 years of age rushes like crazy. I think most people do. Now that you have a child, a person does not think so much about himself, only about ensuring the well-being and safety of his children.

My little girl is very smart for her age. Even doctors and psychologists said so. Unfortunately, she was diagnosed with autism and now we often go with her to the doctors, but everything goes well. But I'll talk about autism in another post.

Who would I want my daughter to be? I'm the kind of person who never imposes my views on anyone, including my children. All I want to do is put her on the right track, so she can live with respect and good for another human being. Whatever she likes in life, I will support it and I will never say that she does something for nothing. I had parents who would impose their views on me and often laugh at what I was doing. This is a big mistake and I do not recommend anyone to do so for their children or family.



Everyone thinks differently, and you have to respect that. If I could steer my daughter well and help her choose a little bit, I would talk to her about cryptocurrencies and blogging.
If she did what I did, we'd have a lot of common interests in the future that would tie us together. My little girl is also very fond of cooking. When I cook something, he always comes to the rescue. Maybe in this direction, it will start to do something. Who knows. The future will show. I will listen to what she has to say in the future and I will support her very much.



What do you think and what are your views on this?