We're mothers and we ain't dead lol

in Motherhood4 years ago


What's up ladies,

So it's the middle of the week and we're poppin here at JLM. Yes , I'm a writer for JLM Magazine ..we're officially known as J'aime Le Monde Magazine and based out in the California, USA.

I'm a mother of two beautiful smart girls and we represent the Millennials!

Ladies, I wanted to make this post to say we see you and hear you!! Our community is global and we invite you to join us!!


yes!!! this is us!! We are also on IG: @jlm.magazine link: https://www.instagram.com/jlm.magazine/
Thank you for posting our twitter ! :)

We also have a web app : jaimelemonde.app & website : jaimelemonde.com :)

oh shoot!! This is awesome!! We'll follow!! :)

 4 years ago  

hi! and welcome to the motherhood community on Hive! is nice to have you guys here

Thank you ... we’ll be posting blogs with questions and we’d love to site comments in our articles and direct people to respective blogs!!!

Most importantly we want to bring women together because the stigma that mothers are uncool and ‘not with it’ ... is sooooo far from the truth.

You will definitely see us here more often !!

 4 years ago  

awesome! we would love to see your questions to the moms on our community, we are trying to teaching them to comment on other posts but thay are sometimes lazy to do it lol i notice you have 2 accounts be careful on posting the same content on both since that can be seeing as spam or plagiarims so can get you into trouble with hivewatchers but other than that is nice to have you in our community and cant wait to see what you post here!

Yeah , I lost my passwords ... I’d only like to use my Michaela.Salcido account. This account is linked to our magazine website !

I’m so new at this ... I don’t know how to export the password from my hive keychain ... so I notice I’ll post from my old account ...

I should have this fixed soon.

Thank you for the heads up !!!

Thank you fir welcoming us!

Web app : jaimelemonde.app
Web site : jaimelemonde.com
Podcast. : JLM Magazine