I am a first-time mother and I didn't know that being a mother was so hard but so beautiful. Before entering the operating room I asked many pregnant women what their experience with the cesarean section had been like and most of them told me that it was easy and painless.
Soy madre primeriza y no sabia que ser madre era tan fuerte pero tan hermoso. Antes de entrar al quirofano pregunte a muchas embarazadas como habia sido su experiencia con la cesaria y mayormente me contaron que era facil y sin dolor.

On November 13 at 1pm I went into the operating room expecting everything to be easy, the anesthesiologist couldn't find the point to inject me and did 4 punctures in the spine, I must say from my personal experience that it did hurt. Maybe they would say not to collaborate but the truth is that I did try but I don't know why it seemed so painful to me.
El 13 de noviembre a la 1pm entre a quirofano esperando que todo fuese facil, la anestesiologa no conseguia el punto para inyectarme y le hizo 4 punciones en la columna, debo decir por mi experiencia personal que si me dolio. Quizas ellas dirian que no colabore pero la verdad es que si lo intente pero no se porque me parecio tan doloroso.

After that I didn't feel any pain, I just heard that the doctor said that they had to get the baby out quickly because she had endometriosis and also had a lot of veins.
Luego de alli no senti dolor, solo escuche que la doctora dijo que tenian que sacar rapido a la bebe porque tenia una endometriosis y ademas tenia muchas venas.

My baby was born and as soon as I saw her she started sucking milk from my breasts. As for me, the recovery also seemed painful. When I tried to sit up I saw black, I was sweating and I felt weak.
On the other hand, I started to cry since the baby didn't want to eat, she just wanted to sleep, and as a first-timer, I was overcome with nerves, I thought something could happen to my daughter.
Nacio mi bebe y a penas la vi comenzo a chupar leche de mis senos, en cuanto a mi la recuperacion tambien me parecio dolorosa. Cuando intentaba sentarme veia negro, sudaba y me sentia debil.
Por otra parte me dio por llorar ya que la bebe n queria comer, queria era dormir y como primeriza me invadieron los nervios, creia que le podia pasar algo a mi niña.

I was under my mother's care the first night I couldn't sleep, I was afraid to stop seeing my baby, I checked to see if she was breathing and I was waiting for her to wake up to eat but she didn't wake up all night, the next morning I tried I fed him and he ate very little.
Estuve bajo los cuidados de mi madre la primera noche no pude dormir, tenia miedo de dejar de ver a mi bebe, le miraba si respiraba y estaba esperando a que despertara para comer pero ella no desperto en toda la noche, a la mañana siguiente intente darle de comer y comio muy poco.

The first day at home: In order to walk I had to wear a girdle, the first day I went to shower, thank God my husband was with me and when I took off the girdle I fainted, they took me to the room and there I fainted again until the first 2 days they only cleaned me and on the 3rd day I took a bath and put the girdle on.
While my baby slept and ate like a queen, I was very happy to have her with us.
El primer dia en casa: Para poder caminar tuve que usar faja, el primer dia que fui a ducharme gracias a Dios mi esposo estaba conmigo y al quitarme la faja me desmaye, me llevaron a la habitacion y alli me volvi a desmallar hasta que los 2 primeros dias solo me limpiaron y el 3er dia fue que me bañe ycon la faja puesta.
Mientras que mi bebe dormia y comia como una reinita, me sentia muy feliz de tenerla con nosotros.

My feet were very swollen because my blood pressure was monitored for 1 week and all these things that happened to me were a product of the anesthesia and the normal postpartum process.
Mis pies estuvieron muy hinchados porque se le hizo seguimiento a mi tension durante 1 semana y todas estas cosas que me pasaban eran producto de la anestecia y del proceso normal del pos-parto

The dark circles appeared but I never complained, they were the most beautiful late nights of my life, I wanted to have my baby in the playpen but I left her on one side in bed, I was afraid!! of falling asleep and the baby drowning or me not waking up to feed her. So many things were going through my mind that it even seemed exaggerated to me. It was inevitable for me.
Las ojeras aparecieron pero nunca me queje, fueron los trasnochos mas lindos de mi vida, queria tener a mi bebe en el corral pero la deje de un ladito en la cama, tenia miedo!! de quedarme dormida y la bebe se me ahogara o que yo no me despertara para darle de comer. tantas cosas que me pasaban por la mente que hasta m,e parecia verme exagerada. era inevitable para mi.

I had a fantastic experience despite everything, I think having my Emma with me has been my greatest love.! My greatest gift from heaven, I cannot express it in words, I only know that she is my immense happiness.
They hurt me. However, they are just details compared to the satisfaction of being a mother.
Vivi una experiencia fantastica a pesar todo, creo que tener a mi emma conmigo ha sido mi mas grande amor.! mi mas grande regalo del cielo, no lo puedo expresar con palabras solo se que ella es mi inmensa felicidad.
me dolian. Sin embargo son solo detalles comparados con la satisfaccion de ser madre.
Son días de desvelos, pero crecen tan rápido que uno termina extrañando esa locura
Congratulations on your newborn!
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