Es/En el cumpleaños de mi cuchi /My cuchi's birthday

in Motherhood4 years ago

Hola mi querida familia de #ocd estoy muy agradecida de compartir con ustedes otro de mis contenidos.

Hello my dear #ocd family, I am very grateful to share with you another of my contents.


Hoy esta de cumpleaños numero 1, mi sobrinita bella mi milagros, yo por cariño la llamo ( mi cuchi), les voy hablar un poco de la cumpleañera, mi hermana no sabia que estaba embarazada de milagros.

Today is birthday number 1, my beautiful niece my miracles, I call her (my cuchi) out of love, I am going to tell you a little about the birthday girl, my sister did not know that she was pregnant with miracles.

Porque a ella no le dieron los síntomas. Pasaron los meses y nunca llevo un control, un día como hoy de madrugadas le dio un dolor de estomago y en lo que fue al baño. Escuchamos los gritos, en lo que fuimos a ver era mi hermana, nos sorprendimos tanto porque la vimos sangrando y en los brazos tenia a la niña, nosotros pensamos que no se iba a salvar, la llevamos para el medico allí le hicieron el curetaje y le cortaron el cordón umbilical. Y miren a ver de allí sale su nombre MILAGROS DE JESUS..

Because she did not get symptoms. Months passed and she never had a check-up, a day like today at dawn she gave her a stomachache and she went to the bathroom. We heard the screams, what we went to see was my sister, we were so surprised because we saw her bleeding and she had the girl in her arms, we thought she was not going to be saved, we took her to the doctor there they did the curettage and they cut the umbilical cord. And look to see from there her name comes out of her MIRACLES OF JESUS ​​..

Este es su primer regalito de muchos. Dios la siga bendiciendo siempre a mi cuchita.. Dios es el que da y Quita.

This is the first little gift of many of her. God keep on always blessing my little knife .. God is the one who gives and takes away.


Espero que les guste la pequeña biografía de mi sobrinita. No se les olvide de apoyarme familia.

I hope you like the little biography of my niece. Don't forget to support me family.