The experience of being a mom/La experiencia de ser mamá[ENG-ESP]

in Motherhood3 years ago (edited)

Hello beautiful people, today I am going to tell you about my experience of being a mother because doing the best that happened to me to become the mother of this beautiful prince.

Hola gente bella hoy voy a contarles mi experiencia de ser mamá pues haciendo lo mejor que me a pasado convertirme en madre de este príncipe hermoso


My baby is 1 month and a half and is very intelligent, the first diaper I put on him I put it backwards (laughs) if it is not for my mother I continue to do it, she was the one who taught me how to put it on well, the most difficult thing is the Time to remove the gases, it is difficult for him to throw them out. Sometimes he votes for them alone ... one day I cry too much it was quite distressing I did not know what to do, it turns out that my baby had colic, we bought him some special drops for that and we give it to him every night.

Mi bebé tiene 1 mes y medio y es muy inteligente,el primer pañal que le puse se lo puse al revés (risas)si no es por mi mamá sigo haciéndolo ella fue la que me enseñó a como ponérselo bien,lo más difícil es la hora de sacarle los gases le cuesta botar Los a veces los vota solo...un día lloro demasiado era bastante angustiante yo no sabía que hacer resulta que mi bebé tenía cólicos le compramos unas gotas especial para eso y se la damos todas las noches.


I already started to bathe him because before my mother bathed him at first he did not like to bathe he cried so that we would not bathe him but I have learned to know my son and now he gets very restless so that I bathed him.

Ya lo empecé a bañar yo porque antes lo bañaba mi mamá a el al principio no le gustaba bañarse lloraba para que no lo bañaramos pero eh aprendido a conocer a mi hijo y ahora el se pone muy inquieto para que lo bañé


The most beautiful thing is that our baby fully trusts us to take care of them and give them love, I love being a mother I love my son despite the late nights, the sleepless nights I love being a mother.

Lo más hermoso es que nuestro bebé confia plenamente en nosotras para que los cuidemos y le demos amor,me encanta ser madre amo a mi hijo a pesar de los estrasnocho,los desvelos yo amo ser madre



That's a very handsome little baby boy you are blessed with having! Enjoy, as they grow up way too fast!❤

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