Hola mis queridos amigos, cómo están?? Espero estén pasando un magnífico fin de semana en compañía de sus seres queridos. Hoy tengo el agrado de volver a compartir contenido con ustedes y eso me hace muy feliz.
Hello my dear friends, how are you? I hope you are having a wonderful weekend in the company of your loved ones. Today I am pleased to share content with you again and that makes me very happy.
El día de ayer tuve una pequeña salida al centro comercial con mis dos pequeñas y mi esposo, esto con la finalidad de comprarle algo de ropa a Sofía quien de un momento a otro ha comenzado a crecer sin control y está perdiendo toda la ropa que tenía.
Yesterday I had a small outing to the mall with my two little girls and my husband, this with the purpose of buying some clothes for Sofía who from one moment to the next has begun to grow uncontrollably and is losing all the clothes she had. .
Es por ello que si papá y yo decidimos llevarla a la tienda y de esta manera poder escogerle algo de ropa.
That's why Dad and I decided to take her to the store so we could pick out some clothes for her.
No sé si a ustedes les ha pasado, pero los niños cuando ya se van convirtiendo en adolescentes sen ponen un poco tercos y rebeldes y cada vez se hace más difícil tratar de que hagan lo que nosotros queramos, con está niña me pasó ayer que nada de lo que yo quería que comprara le gustaba, decía que esa ropa era para niñas chiquitas y escogía todo lo contrario a lo mío. Imagínense esa odisea en plena tienda tratando de ponernos de acuerdo su papá, ella y yo, porque les cuento que el papá es bastante permisivo y casi que hace lo que ella le diga, una verdadera locura.
I don't know if it has happened to you, but when children become teenagers they become a little stubborn and rebellious and it becomes increasingly difficult to try to get them to do what we want. It happened to me yesterday that nothing happened to me. She liked what I wanted her to buy, she said that those clothes were for little girls and she chose the opposite of mine. Imagine that odyssey in the middle of the store trying to get her dad, her and me to agree, because I tell you that her dad is quite permissive and almost does what she tells him, truly crazy.

Otra cosa es que la niña se encuentra en una edad intermedia en la que las tallas de niñas le quedan pequeñas y las de adultos muy grandes, de verdad que es para enloquecer, creo que necesitaré una semana completa para encontrar una ropa que le quede bien y sobre todo que nos guste a ambas.
Another thing is that the girl is at an intermediate age in which the girls' sizes are small and the adult sizes are very large, it really is crazy, I think it will take me a full week to find clothes that fit her well. and above all that we both like it.
Visitamos varias tiendas en busca de lo que le gustará y por fin encontró unos jeans modernos y a su talla, estaba feliz por eso y Aurora que no se queda atrás acompañándola a probarselos jajajajaja.
We visited several stores looking for what she would like and she finally found some modern jeans in her size, she was happy about that and Aurora was not far behind accompanying her to try them on hahahahaha.

Lo que también se complica a la hora de salir con niños es que se antojan de todo, si señores, todo lo que veían lo querían, que si un juguete, un peluche, un dulce, piensan que mamá tiene un morral lleno de dinero para gastar, me hubiesen visto parecía loca diciéndoles, suelta eso, mañana te lo compro, eso es muy costoso, no te voy a traer más jajajaja, pobre de mí.
What also gets complicated when going out with children is that they crave everything, yes gentlemen, they wanted everything they saw, that if a toy, a stuffed animal, a candy, they think that mom has a backpack full of money to spend, they would have seen me seem crazy telling them, let go of that, I'll buy it for you tomorrow, that's very expensive, I'm not going to bring you any more hahahaha, poor me.

Siempre me he caracterizado por ser una madre muy complaciente, generalmente si me piden algo no dudó en comprárselos, pero esta vez estábamos en otra cosa y el dinero destinado a eso y si nos desviabamos se nos complica todo, es por ello que me tocó decirles una mentirita piadosa.
I have always characterized myself as a very accommodating mother, generally if they asked me for something I did not hesitate to buy it for them, but this time we were on something else and the money was destined for that and if we deviated everything became complicated for us, that is why I had to tell them a little white lie.
Lo más importante de todo al final de la tarde fué que pudimos compartir en familia, distraer la mente y comprarle algunas cositas a la niña que le hacían bastante falta, ella como niñas buenas entendieron y estaban super felices de poder salir de paseo con mamá y papá.
The most important thing of all at the end of the afternoon was that we were able to share as a family, distract our minds and buy some things for the girl that she really needed. As good girls, she understood and were super happy to be able to go out for a walk with mom and dad.

Recuerden que siempre les digo que el tiempo al lado de nuestros seres queridos es el más importante en esta vida, y que momentos tan sencillos como ir de compras se convierten en especiales a su lado, estoy agraciada con Dios y la vida por permitirnos estar juntos y felices.
Remember that I always tell you that time with our loved ones is the most important in this life, and that moments as simple as shopping become special with them. I am grateful to God and life for allowing us to be together. and happy.

Queridos amigos, de esta manera me despido de ustedes en este día, espero les haya gustado mi trabajo de hoy y que podamos encontrarnos en otra oportunidad, muchas gracias por visitar y que tengan una excelente tarde!
Dear friends, in this way I say goodbye to you on this day, I hope you liked my work today and that we can meet again on another occasion, thank you very much for visiting and have a great afternoon!
Las imagenes presentadas en mi publicación son de mi propia autoría y estan editadas con ayuda de canva
The images presented in my publication are of my own authorship and are edited with the help of canva
El texto fué traducido con google traductor
The text was translated with google translate
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Jajajaja hay amiga se parece tanto a lo que estoy viviendo tengo tres niñas y es un desafío y complicado salir con ellas y tengo una que está entrando en la adolescencia y esta de un rebelde. Cada día vemos como nuestros hijos crecen y ya no son muestras Chiquitas. Bendiciones
Exactamente amiga, te entiendo por completo, en esas mismas ando yo, pero trato de llevarlas con mucho amor y paciencia. Gracias por pasar!
Wow, what a lively afternoon ☺️ It's great to see a united family like yours. How cute, so free with your purchases. Thank you for sharing this wonderful family moment ❤️
Yes, we had a very fun afternoon with a friendly family, thank you for your comment. Greetings!
I think you should sit her down and talk some sense into her... Why would she choose what to wear and you there.. its good to spend time with our kids but keeping a close eye on them is also very important, they is reason she wants more matured cloths
Well, thank God I have good communication with her and we always talk about different topics of interest, I try as much as possible to reach an agreement with her because for me nothing obligatory is good friend. Anyway, thanks for your advice and for reading me. Greetings!
Ohh am glad you're already doing these things with her, and keeping a close mark at her... And thank you for thanking me☺️☺️