Hola Amigos de Motherhood Community
Hello Friends of Motherhood Community
Me llena de alegria poder realizar mi primer post y en el compartir mis gratas experiencias familiares con todos ustedes. El dia de hoy vengo a contarles un poco sobre mi ultima experiencia familiar el dia lunes 13/06/22 en donde junto a mi familia celebramos el cumpleaños de mi tercera madre mi suegra.
It fills me with joy to be able to make my first post and share my pleasant family experiences with all of you. Today I come to tell you a little about my last family experience on Monday 06/13/22 where my family and I celebrated the birthday of my third mother, my mother-in-law.
Reunirnos en familia es uno de los rituales mas hermosos y frecuentes que todos en la familia realizamos, no es solamente celebrar un acontecimiento es adentrarnos en un mar de amor y unión.

This is a practice that we always do in order to strengthen family ties and encourage this kind of values to our children. This past Monday we had the perfect excuse to get out of the routine and enjoy our family. After a After work I went to my mother-in-law's house where my wife was waiting for me, at 8 pm my mother-in-law arrived home, when she arrived she realized the surprise that had been made between hugs and kisses we started her celebration.
Mientras los niños jugaban los adultos terminabamos de arreglar todo para que marchara todo bien. Fué asi como nos reunimos todos en la sala para conversar, bailar y cantar mientras continuaba la celebración.
While the children played, the adults finished arranging everything so that everything would run smoothly. We all gathered in the living room to talk, dance and sing while the celebration continued.
Luego de saludar a todos me dispuse a realizar algunas fotografias para compartir entre los familiares. Mi suegra me pidió que le realizara unas fotografias para grabar este dia como un hermoso recuerdo.
After greeting everyone I set out to take some pictures to share with the family. My mother-in-law asked me to take some pictures to record this day as a beautiful memory.
Mientras celebrabamos comimos algunos aperitivos tales como galletas, pan, refrescos, dulces como donas.
Luego de algunas horas de baile, risas y narrativas de anecdotas personales vino la hora de cantar el anhelado cumpleaño felíz en donde nos reunimos todos al rededor de mi suegra y mientras coreabamos y aplaudiamos se podia percibir el hermoso ambiente de paz y felicidad que allí reinaba.
While celebrating we ate some snacks such as cookies, bread, soft drinks, sweets and donuts.
After a few hours of dancing, laughing and telling personal anecdotes it was time to sing the longed for happy birthday where we all gathered around my mother-in-law and as we chanted and clapped we could perceive the beautiful atmosphere of peace and happiness that reigned there.
Luego de cantar el cumpleaños fuimos abrazar a mi suegra y a desearle nuestros mejores deseos. Esta reunión me motivó a realizar esta publicación para hablarles de un tema muy importante el cual es la Unión Familiar.
After singing the birthday song we went to hug my mother-in-law and to wish her our best wishes. This meeting motivated me to make this publication to talk to you about a very important topic which is the Family Union.
La Unión Familiar.
Una de las cosas mas importantes de cada celebración es la unión que trae consigo. Muchas veces y por diversas circustancias descuidamos este valor tan importante dentro de nuestras familias. La unión familiar es uno de los pilares mas importantes que debemos cultivar a diario.
The Family Union.
One of the most important things of every celebration is the union that it brings with it. Many times and due to different circumstances we neglect this important value within our families. Family unity is one of the most important pillars that we must cultivate daily.

Union is not only spending a moment with our family. It is to be sensitive to each one of them, to help them, to love them, to value and respect them, to dedicate quality time to them, but above all to let them know that we are there for them always and at any time.
Este valor es menester cultivarlo en nuestros hijos pues puede ser trascendental en nuestras futuras generaciones. Incluir a nuestros hijos y fomentarles este valor hará que sea transmitido a nuestros nietos y nuestros nietos a los suyos.
This value must be cultivated in our children because it can be transcendental in our future generations. Including our children and encouraging them in this value will ensure that it is passed on to our grandchildren and our grandchildren to theirs.

There are undoubtedly some customs that should never end. And this is one of them. It is worth mentioning that I am a very fortunate man to have a beautiful family and to have 3 mothers, my mother, my grandmother and my mother-in-law.
Mi suegra es una mujer a quien admiro mucho es una mujer tenaz, amorosa, sincera y con una gran cantidad de valores esplendidos soy privilegiado al tener una hermosa familia.
Gracias por leerme.
My mother-in-law is a woman whom I admire very much, she is a tenacious, loving, sincere woman with a lot of splendid values and I am privileged to have a beautiful family.
Thank you for reading me.
Do you want to know more about me? I invite you to read My presentation on Hive Blog.
Author | @apolo1 |
Country | Venezuela |
Photography | Redmi Note 9 |
Edición y banners | Picsart |
Category: | #motherhood #family #vidapersonal |
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