Parenting lessons 101

in Motherhood3 years ago (edited)

Taking care of babies should be regarded as a full time job, I'm saying this because with every single day that ends I'm just thankful to God that baby Z made it true that day without loosing his bottom tooth 😂 God knows how many times a day he makes my BP rise 😂 he's always doing one thing or the other that involves him falling or breaking one valuable or the other around the house .

Every day for my baby is a new day to find something new and Fancy to play with and destroy 😂 I say destroy because he only has to stare at it for 20 seconds before deciding to touch it and eventually push it or use it to start hitting the floor or any hard surface he can find.

Some times it can be funny and interesting to watch him discover things around the house and get to see the object of his fascination through his eyes😌 but most times 😂trust me y'all, I'm like "why can't you just leave this stuffs alone" totally oblivious to what I'm saying he goes ahead to do as he pleases, only stopping to smile at you so you can admire his lovely work 😂😂😂.

The funny thing is, talking about it now only makes me laugh but when he's in action, I mean "ACTION"😂 let me tell you there's no laughing involved I try my best to keep a straight face so he knows that I'm not happy with him but immediately he smiles and I get to see a sneak peek at those 4 growing tooth then I'm done for 😩😅even when I'm tired I still manage to get him away from whatever it is he's playing with, without shouting or looking too serious to scare him.

Trust me gentle parenting isn't for the faint hearted 😂 you need a lot of patience and love but no worries you gat it MOMS😁