Hello dear mommies of @Motherhood, this time I want to share with you my son's first haircut with some tips that can help you when it comes to cutting your little ones hair.
There is no specific age for your baby's first haircut, nor is there a medical reason to do it at a certain time. What you should keep in mind is that weeks after birth, your baby's hair will begin to fall out, giving way to stronger hair, which will be the definitive one.
A los niños hay que ayudarlos a enfrentar las sensaciones que el corte de cabello les va a causar, hay que anticiparnos a eso para prepararlos y que ellos solitos superen su miedo. Ése miedo que sienten pasará, no será eterno, es solo una etapa y como padres debemos entenderlo así
Children must be helped to face the sensations that the haircut will cause them, we must anticipate that in order to prepare them so that they can overcome their fear. That fear they feel will pass, it will not last forever, it is just a stage and as parents we must understand that.

Los niños necesitan sentirse seguros y que se preocupan por ellos. Con una frase como ‘Sé que tienes miedo pero eres valiente, y las personas pueden ser valientes y sentir miedo a la vez. Superemos esto juntos.’ O simplemente no decir nada basta con tomarle la mano o darle un abrazo.
1.- Give them security
Children need to feel safe and cared about. With a phrase like 'I know you're scared but you're brave, and people can be brave and scared at the same time. Let's get through this together.' Or simply not saying anything is enough to hold her hand or give her a hug.

Hay muchas formas de hacerlo sentir amado, una de las mejores formas es tu tono de voz tranquilo y amoroso, dándole ánimos seguido de un abrazo o agarrándolo de la mano. Eso le va dar confianza de que está en un lugar seguro y que tu estás ahí para él.
There are many ways to make him feel loved, one of the best ways is your calm and loving tone of voice, giving him encouragement followed by a hug or holding his hand. This will give him confidence that he is in a safe place and that you are there for him.

La espalda tiene varios puntos energéticos que cuando se tocan hace que se equilibren y calma a los niños cuando lloran o están tristes. Sentirá tu presencia y que no está solo al tocarle la espalda, hazlo lo más que puedas y háblale con voz serena y tranquila.
The back has several energetic points that, when touched, balance and calm children when they cry or are sad. He will feel your presence and that he is not alone when you touch his back, do it as much as possible and talk to him in a calm and serene voice.
Los niños buscan la protección de sus papás en todos momentos, siempre que van a intentar algo nuevo buscan la mirada de mamá o papá para avanzar al siguiente paso. Todo ser humano busca ésa sensación de protección.
Children seek the protection of their parents at all times; whenever they are about to try something new, they look to mom or dad to help them move on to the next step. Every human being seeks that feeling of protection.
Debemos tener en cuenta que la memoria y atención de los niños es muy corta, calma al niño durante el corte e inmediatamente distrae su atención con sus programas favoritos o con juguetes. Eso hará que se desenfoque de su miedo y enfoque su atención en algo que es positivo para él. En mi experiencia con Camilo me toco cantar y bailarle. Mi mama dice que a unos niños les toma más cortes de cabello que a otros pero conforme pasa el tiempo y los cortes de cabello, se va construyendo su confianza.
We must keep in mind that children's memory and attention span is very short, calm the child during the cut and immediately distract his attention with his favorite programs or toys. This will cause him to lose focus of his fear and focus his attention on something that is positive for him. In my experience with Camilo I got to sing and dance with him. My mom says that some children take more haircuts than others but as time goes on and haircuts are given, his confidence builds.
Y este fue el resultado final de una larga mañana, el principe de la casa con su nuevo loock.
And this was the end result of a long morning, the prince of the house with his new loock.
Gracias por su apoyo incondicional, nuevas historias y anécdotas nos esperan para seguir compartiendo.
Thank you for your unconditional support, new stories and anecdotes are waiting for us to continue sharing.