Hi Hivean, how are you all? Have a good day.
This time I was in a shopping center with children. Precisely in the heart of Sigli City, Aceh Indonesia, which is not far from where I live.
My wife and I took our children to a shopping center. Did you know that my son loves shopping a lot. He looked very happy, smiling and laughing to himself. Inside the shop she roamed around choosing clothes. He wants dolls, bags and clothes. He will whine if not bought. But he will be very happy when all his wishes have been fulfilled, so my son.
After walking, we stopped briefly in this shop. This shop is suitable for children because most of the items here are for children at a special rate of thirty five thousand. My wife bought a glass, and I chose a pair of sandals. Meanwhile, my son chose dolls and clothes. He doesn't want to give up his favorite things when asked. I bought it and most importantly we got a slice of happiness in the family.
After buying clothes my son wanted to wear them immediately. He didn't care it was a new dress. A servant was forced to put the clothes on him. After the clothes are worn my son is very happy. His eyes shone with a light of compassion. He wanted to get out of the shop quickly because he had got what he wanted. Take a look in some of the photos I posted in this entry. He's very happy isn't he?
Turns out, my daughter has loved shopping since she was little. He wants to choose all his favorite things. He also likes to choose colors. At that young age he already knew some of the items on display. In fact, what makes me most happy is that shopping is part of education for my children. I think taking the child to the shopping mall will increase the excitement and increase the fun for him.