Tau - AI SAFETY by default

in Tauchain2 years ago (edited)

How is Tau better than current AI and current blockchain L1s?

Safety first by design. Tau was designed to be safe by going with the correct by construction approach. It's simple, ask yourself would you rather trust your plane or self driving car to fly you using code which is well tested but which could contained a state sponsored zero day exploit? Or would you rather code which is by construction and definition always correct? Tau is even better because the user is able to define their own use case and by the method of translation (software synthesis) the software generates and evolves.

As far as the new website changes I will say I very much appreciate the choice of words they use on the website now. Tau used to be extremely difficult to explain and now it's easy to explain. If you want to be able to create your own smart contracts as users, and have bug free code, you will need Tau. So much money is spent on auditing and even then sometimes exploits still slip through. No amount of testing can deterministically guarantee bug free code unless you do things the Tau way.

Remember, the development of Tau started around the same time as the development of Ethereum. The DAO was hacked and many of us understood what went wrong. Many of us (myself included) knew Solidity would never be a good way to write financial scripts. It was known even back then that Turing complete would lead to problems. But we can't blame Vitalik and team for this, because at the time Vitalik was only 19-20 years old, and his team was attempting to build something which never had been done before. Ethereum was first to do Turing complete "smart contracts", but what they should have aimed for in my opinion was what Tau spent the last 7 years developing.

Let me be clear, being first can make you richer than being best sometimes. By being first even if the Ethereum network was buggy, was slow, at least something existed which is better than to have nothing. To do things right takes a long time, and to do smart contracts right, will require bug free by default. Bug free by default is hard to do because most people don't have the technical skills to code using formal methods, but if Tau achieves it's end goal then any user in the network will have the technical skill to use formal methods. A huge win.

Feel free to ask questions so that I can elucidate further.