Typical Houses in Faro [ENG-PT]

in Photographers2 days ago (edited)

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Faro is the capital of the Algarve. It is located in the south of Portugal and has around 42,000 inhabitants. It is a cosmopolitan city and is visited by tourists all year round, who are mainly looking for the beach due to the Mediterranean climate.

In addition to the contemporary architecture, there is a political concern to preserve Faro's typical houses through funding programs for private individuals. Many of them have been turned into hostels and local accommodation. Although there are still some scattered around the city that are abandoned and in need of restoration.

Almost square in shape, they are generally simple but with some southern features. The color white predominates, due to the year-round warm climate, and one of the relevant features is the “Platibanda. “This is an elegant decorative band that tops off the façades and hides the roof or the roof terrace, decorated with geometric shapes and colors. It contrasts with the white of the whitewash, which is applied annually out of pride and vanity, and matches the colored bars that frame doors and windows.” (In Visit Algarve info).

The roofs of the houses are another interesting feature: they are gabled (or scissor) roofs, with a strong oriental influence. The hipped roofs allow for increased air circulation, making the houses cooler in summer and insulating against the cold in winter.

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Hidden Spoiler Text

Casas Típicas de Faro

Faro é a capital de Algarve, fica situada a sul de Portugal e tem cerca de 42 mil habitantes. É uma cidade cosmopolita e coabita com turista todo ano, que procuram fundamentalmente a praia devido ao clima mediterrâneo.

Além da arquitectura contemporânea há uma preocupação política em preservar as típicas casas de Faro, através de programas de financiamento a particulares. Muitas delas transformam-se em hostels e alojamento local. Embora existem ainda algumas espalhadas pela cidade ao abandono e a precisarem de restauração.

Tem um formato quase quadrado, geralmente são simples mas com algumas características do sul. A cor branca predomina, devido ao clima quente todo ano, e um dos traços relevantes é a “Platibanda. “Uma elegante faixa decorativa que remata as fachadas e esconde o telhado ou a açoteia, ornamentada com formas geométricas e de cores. Contrasta com o branco da cal, anualmente aplicada por alinho e vaidade, e combina com as barras coloridas que emolduram portas e janelas.” (In Visit Algarve info).

Os telhados das casas são outro ponto interessante, são telhados de quatro águas (ou de tesoura), com forte influencia oriental. Os telhados de quatro águas permitem aumentar a circulação de ar, tornando as casas mais frescas de verão e isolando o frio no Inverno.


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More than a decade I was there. But many great memories from it! :D Thanks for sharing it here with us :D

i love this architecture
i see that the scooters are also populated the streets of this city

Thank you very much.🙏

There are thousands of scooters here. A phenomenon of mobility in cities.

and a chaos on the roads. most of the youngsters who use these on the roads they never learned a theory. as well kick each other and the passers by. :-(

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