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RE: Wartime diary, Kyiv, 07.03.2022

I really admire your self-lessness at such a time. The fact that you think about the other vulnerable people in your community at such a time is a true testament to your character. I have met other Ukrainians here in Germany who escaped the war who have showed me the same level of compassion and solidarity. It is inspiring. Proud to be a part of a European Cultural with such a stalwart group of people in it. Slava Ukraini


It is inspiring and it can restore the faith in humanity as many people have a gentle soul even in the worst circumstances. True character.

War also shows the worse in people, it's true. I've seen so many nice examples of human kindness over the past days, but also some examples of undignified behavior. What I'm seeing though is that the light outweighs the darkness after all. And I believe my nation will survive. I didn't even realize how many bright, intelligent, courageous people my country has.

Even in the worst circumstances there will be people who will prove to be good humans, with excellent character. I will always choose to believe there is good in people.Always.

Glad to hear that. People actually worry a lot about each other, even strangers, now. Unfortunately, woes unite people, this is what I know for sure now. But I like the way most of Ukrainians tries to cope. Makes me feel even prouder of my country.