🔴 OFFICIAL. The latest information on the victims and the dead as a result of the night shelling of residential buildings in the Belgorod-Dnistrovsky district.
In the residential building, 16 people died, 38 people were injured (all hospitalized), including 6 children, and 7 people were rescued, including 3 children.
In the building of the recreation centre, 5 people died, including 1 child, 1 person was rescued, and 1 person was injured.
A total of 21 people died, including 1 child, 39 people were injured, including 6 children, and 8 people were rescued, including 3 children.
🔴 ОФІЦІЙНО. Остання інформація по постраждалим та загиблим внаслідок нічного обстрілу житлових будинків в Білгород-Дністровському районі.
В житловому будинку загинуло 16 осіб, постраждало 38 осіб (всі госпіталізовані), з них 6 дітей, врятовано 7 осіб, з них 3 дітей.
В корпусі бази відпочинку загинуло 5 осіб, з них 1 дитина, врятовано 1 особу, постраждала 1 особа.
Всього загинула 21 особа, з них 1 дитина, постраждало 39 осіб, з них 6 дітей, врятовано 8 осіб, з них 3 дітей.
get the fuck away from me already.
I live in this country and I know what is happening here. it is unclear who you are and it is unclear from which country.
when I tried to explain something to you, you didn't even for a second want to think about the information I wrote to you.
are you biased and believe only russia, while not even trying to analyze the situation a little, listen to other people and admit that it is possible that russia is committing crimes?
even when I wrote to you about the pilots (and gave a video) who admitted that they deliberately sent missiles at residential buildings, you shouted that it was a fake. you are all fake. what is the meaning of your messages?
you are biased you cannot be a "messenger of truth" because you do not read anything except what is beneficial to russia.