First ranking rewards in Cryptobrewmaster for Top Manufacturing event (rank 15)

in Team Ukraine4 years ago (edited)

I started Cryptobrewmaster a few weeks ago to earn some crypto while playing games periodically. This week, I decided to brew beer for the top manufacturing event after being able to buy some cheap ingredients off the market. I thought I would break even or even lose a little of CBM attempting this event, but I did end up with a profit.
cryptobrew top 15.png

My rewards for only added more to my profit.
cryptobrew top 15 reward.png

My strategy for the event was to use neutral ingredients, but I decided to change it after seeing a small change. In the end, the ingredient setup I used was below since buying outstanding water provided a decent change in the output quality for a small price difference(around .3 CBM more in ingredients).
cryptobrew master blue water.png

Using the above setup, I made quite a few outstanding lagers to make up for any neutral ones that I brewed.
cryptobrew master lager.png

If you want to join and play the game, you can use my referral link below:

Posted Using Aeneas.Blog


Congrats! I just started playing this last week. Barely got much and did not put anything other than 0.01 HBD to hopefully one day withdraw CBM. Yet I found out I need to have over 1,000 before I can withdraw any lol. I only have 37 so far. Takes me like a week to earn 10, but I did not put any investment in it. Probably not worth it since it takes so long to gain so little.

The money earned probably isn't much but I do think you can earn more than 10 CBM per week if you know which items are worth more. I do think I might brew more beer after I stock up more ingredients. I am trying a few of the events and see how things are before giving a final decision. I do think I might try the water tower later but I do not know when I will have enough saved for the highest length. The best thing about it is that you only need to log on a few times a day if you are only collecting ingredients.

Partly an issue for me is I need to log on multiple times a day. Given I play so many games its very challenging to do it all and have a normal life. I may have to leave with what I have and just decide which ones give me the best rewards. Thanks!

Personally if you are not planning to brew beer, I think you only need to log in two times a day but best of luck. I personally am trying out a few games currently so I have not been overloaded yet.

Your current Rank (75) in the battle Arena of Holybread has granted you an Upvote of 3%

Hmmmm. Interesting strategy. I still haven't worked out how to make money at this game, especially brewing, as the ingredients always seem to cost more than a beer is selling for. I must be missing something. 😁

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It highly depends on some luck. So let's for example, you pay about 7.5 CBM to buy ingredients(the one I used above), then a neutral Lager would be about a -3 CBM net lost. However, if you get a good Lager, you will get a gain of about 2.5 CBM. In the case of a Outstanding Lager (20% using a outstanding water which is about 1.3-1.4 CBM) at about 20% chance, you get a net gain of 11-12 CBM. So depending on luck and how you put in ingredients, you can earn more than you lose.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Interesting figures. I'm not usually very lucky though so not so sure this strategy is a good one for me. 😁

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta