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RE: Фенікс та відновлення всесвіту.

in Team Ukrainelast year

Стоїцизм is a philosophical school that arose in Athens c. 300 BC e. during the early Hellenistic period and retained its influence until the end of the ancient world.

Representatives of this school believed that the world perishes in fire and is restored from fire. And this process has neither end nor beginning.

In Зороастризм (one of the religious movements), only fire 🔥 was considered an unpolluted element, hinting at its divine nature.

Earlier, regarding the phoenix, another plot was known where it was an Arabian bird carrying the ashes of its father in a myrtle wreath.
And the birth of a new bird occurs from the "seeds" of its father.

(Thus, the Phoenix even more resembles the myth of Osiris and Horus.)
According to Chaldean teachings, the disciples believed in the "Great Year" – the Universe is eternal, but it periodically disappears and is reborn with each "Great Year." When all seven planets align in the constellation of Cancer, a flood occurs; when they align in the constellation of Unicorn, the entire Universe is destroyed by fire. The zodiacal sign Cancer ♋️, being a water element, was logically chosen for such considerations, especially considering its association with the Moon, influencing water and tides.

This phenomenon is referred to as the planetary parade.
The planetary parade is an astronomical phenomenon where a specific number of planets in the Solar System align on one side of the Sun in a small sector. During this, they are more or less close to each other in the celestial sphere. (source: Wikipedia)

A complete parade is an astronomical event during which all planets align on one side of the Sun in a small sector.

During such an event, one celestial object may cover another, making it a type of eclipse. This phenomenon is one form of an eclipse. If you're interested, you can explore Wikipedia for more information.

On this page, even the dates of upcoming parades are indicated. The next complete planetary parade will occur on February 8, 2169. (You may want to check which zodiac sign it will be in.)


Thanks for carrying the English speaking Community along 🥰🙏